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Oumayma Bourhriba Economist
Oumnia Boutaleb International Relations Specialist
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Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão Senior Fellow
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Christian de Boissieu Senior Fellow
Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Senior Fellow
Hinh T. Dinh Senior Fellow
Mohammed Rachid Doukkali Senior Fellow
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Rachid El Houdaigui Senior Fellow
Youssef El Jai Economist
Nihal El Mquirmi International Relations Specialist
Amal El Ouassif International Relations Specialist
Sabrine Emran Economist
Helyette Geman Senior Fellow
Hafez Ghanem Senior Fellow
Tayeb Ghazi Senior Economist
Ihssane Guennoun International Relations Specialist (On Leave)
Aomar Ibourk Senior Fellow
Len Ishmael Senior Fellow
Larabi Jaïdi Senior Fellow
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi International Relations Specialist
Yves Jégourel Senior Fellow
Kidane Kiros Senior Fellow
Moubarack Lo Senior Fellow
Mohammed Loulichki Senior Fellow
Prakash Loungani Senior Fellow
Rida Lyammouri Senior Fellow
Jamal Machrouh Senior Fellow
Badr Mandri Economist
Iván Martín Senior Fellow
Aziz Mekouar Senior Fellow
Hamza Mjahed International Relations Specialist - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Rabi Mohtar Senior Fellow
Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem Manager - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Redouan Najah International Relations Specialist
Fathallah Oualalou Senior Fellow
Ahmed Ouhnini Economist, Policy Center for the New South
Francis Perrin Senior Fellow
Emmanuel Pinto Moreira Senior Fellow
El Mostafa Rezrazi Senior Fellow
Abdallah Saaf Senior Fellow
Hamza Saoudi Senior Economist
Matsumoto Shoji Senior Fellow
Landry Signé Senior Fellow
Maha Skah Political Affairs Officer, United Nations
Helmut Sorge Columnist
Oussama Tayebi International Relations Specialist
Youssef Tobi International Relations Specialist
Hung Q. Tran Senior Fellow
Isabelle Tsakok Senior Fellow
Henri-Louis Vedie Senior Fellow
Akram Zaoui Chargé de Mission to the Executive President
Afaf Zarkik Senior Economist
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- Policy BriefDecember 10, 2024Morocco, leveraging its strategic position and proven expertise in infrastructure development, has proposed an ambitious framework to reconnect the Sahel to global supply chains via its Atlantic coastline. The Sahel’s vast distances and dispersed population have historically deterred significant…Related topics:Go to topPaper in Academic JournalsDecember 8, 2024This paper was originally published on accscience.com The Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly affected the global workforce, with certain occupational groups facing greater challenges than others. Atypical part-time, temporary, and gig job workers are among the most…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 6, 2024Communities around the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) rely on three major economic activities: farming, fishing, and livestock herding. The floods that began in August 2024 damaged and destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmland, killed thousands of livestock, and rendered fishing unsafe for…Related topics:Paper in Academic JournalsDecember 2, 2024This paper was originaly published on muse.jhu.edu This study analyzes the influence of local labor market characteristics on student dropout pathways in Morocco. Beyond individual determinants, early school leaving may depend on dropouts’ local environment. This study mobilized original…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 27, 2024In September 2024, scientists at the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service reported that summer 2024 was the hottest on record globally, and the previous twelve months posted a average global temperature that was a record 1.64 degrees Celsius (2.95 degrees Fahrenheit) above the…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 20, 2024The Lake Chad Basin is home to over 3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs),[1] a number expected to rise due to the recent flooding affecting Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon since August. While the primary cause of displacement remains the ongoing violent conflict in the region, the…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 19, 2024This essay examines the implications of the new Trump administration’s ‘America First’ approach for multilateralism, particularly in the context of the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organization (WTO), and its consequences for the New South. The first Trump administration’s…Related topics:Paper in Academic JournalsNovember 15, 2024This paper was originally published on springer.com Wage subsidy policies’ impact on access to the first job is crucial for workers; however, their influence on job quality holds greater significance for society as a whole. This paper evaluates the impact of the “IDMAJ” wage subsidy program on job…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 15, 2024Le 5 novembre 2024, Donald Trump a gagné son duel face à Kamala Harris. Le 45ème président des États-Unis sera aussi le 47ème et il prendra ses fonctions à la Maison Blanche le 20 janvier 2025. Les politiques de la future Administration Trump seront évidemment très différentes de celles qu’aurait…Related topics:Paper in Academic JournalsNovember 14, 2024This paper was originaly published on tandfonline.com Our study provides an in-depth examination of the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Morocco, revealing key threshold effects through a nonlinear smooth transition model (STAR). Analysis of Moroccan banking and…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 14, 2024Developments in Venezuela since the presidential election of July 28, 2024, epitomize the fault lines of contemporary world politics. The elections failed to clarify the political situation in Venezuela. Instead, they complicated it. The official electoral authority declared Mr. Nicolás Maduro the…Related topics:Policy PaperNovember 12, 2024This paper was originally published on thebrenthurstfoundation.org Situated at the northwest borders of the continent, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, Morocco has established itself as a stable and dynamic economy and a gateway to Africa. A part of the Maghreb and Arab…Related topics:Research PaperNovember 11, 2024This study quantifies the contributions of Brazil’s blue economy and explores the economic interdependence between coastal and hinterland regions through interregional linkages. Employing a multi-level approach, we analyze municipality and state-level data on oceanrelated activities. Using an…Related topics:Policy PaperNovember 7, 2024Si la réalité même de la transition énergétique est parfois questionnée, voire remise en cause (Fressoz, 2023), l’effet de report qu’elle crée sur les ressources minérales, mis en évidence par de nombreuses études prospectives, apparaît indiscutable. Plus de cuivre, de lithium, de nickel, de…Book / ReportNovember 5, 2024In an age of deep uncertainties and an increasingly unpredictable future, the Atlantic Dialogues continue to embody the essence of reasoned, high-level engagement. Held under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 12th edition welcomed in Marrakesh over 450 distinguished…Related topics: