Charter of a Responsible Recruitement

This charter is aimed at putting the candidate, an essential component for the sustainability of our organization, at the heart of our daily requirements and attention.

Thus, this Charter is part of a proactive approach of Policy Center for the New South to promote sustainable practices that preserve candidates’ fundamental rights, a guarantee of trust between the different parties of a collaborative recruitment process.

1- Respect for diversity, equality and equal opportunities

All received applications obey the same process of analysis and decision. Any selection of applications based on non-professional motivations is prohibited. 

The conditions of employment are identical for all. Respect for diversity, equality and equal opportunity are scrupulously applied, leaving no room for any form of discrimination.

2- Conducting the recruitment process and commitments

The recruitment responsibility is shared between members of the recruitment committee.

The recruitment process is based on the quest for the professional and social skills required for the position to be filled.

A job description always accompanies the entire recruitment process, describing the main tasks and requirements of the position to be filled and the skills sought.

In addition to any external publication, job postings are posted internally on the PCNS website.

The recruitment process is focused on the search, through 2 or 3 interviews, for specific skills, adapted to the position to be filled and evolutionary to the center’s work and areas of expertise. Recruitment interviews are formalized in writing on a standard model of reporting.

The candidate will be informed beforehand if the recruitment requires the use of complementary tools for their evaluation during the interview (validation of technical skills, taking references...).

At the end of the recruiting period, recruiters express their final assessment of each application. These assessments are based on the relevant and professional characteristics demonstrated by each candidate during the process. Shortly after the closing of the recruitment process, the HR Manager:

    • drafts and sends the recruitment letter or transfer letter to the successful candidate,
    • informs in writing non retained, internal or external, applicants and remains at their disposal for any complementary feedback.

3- Transparency and monitoring of candidates

Recruitment teams commit to give the candidate, during interviews, all information on our organization as per business and activities. Moreover, the candidate will receive accurate and clear information about the position and its environment.

At the end of the recruitment process, the Human Resources department undertakes to inform in writing, within a short period of time, unsuccessful internal or external applicants.

Access to paper and electronic documents submitted by the candidates (CV, cover letter...) is protected and limited to the recruitment actors only. These documents are kept for a maximum range of time of two years within the Human Resources department."