RELATED CONTENT : International Law

  • Authors
    December 24, 2024
    Over the past 50 years, international law relevant to the Sahara Issue has evolved significantly. Yet, even recent developments, such as a decision by the EU court and a proposal by the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy to partition the Saharan provinces, have not adequately accounted for these advancements. Actions by a state that may not have been scrutinized in 1975 could now face condemnation under contemporary legal standards. Notably, the right to self-determination must not ...
  • Authors
    September 18, 2024
    As the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea marks forty years since its entry into force, questions persist about its success in delivering equitable access to seabed resources beyond national jurisdictions for developing countries. Part XI of the Convention, which introduced the revolutionary concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind, promised to level the playing field. Yet, the compromises made during negotiations—delaying its implementation by 12 years—have left that ...
  • November 11, 2023
    يأتــي اعتمــاد مجلــس الأمــن التابــع للأمــم المتحــدة القــرار 2703 فــي 27 أكتوبــر (2023) بشــأن قضيــة الصحـراء المغربيـة فـي سـياق إقليمـي يتسـم باسـتمرار التوتـر بيـن المغـرب والجزائـر ومواصلـة البوليزاريـو لانتهاكاتهـا لوقـف إطلاق النـار التـي سـجلت تصعيـدًا غيـر مسـبوق، فـي ليلـة 29−28 أكتوبـر، باسـتهداف مدينـة السـمارة، ممـا أدى إلـى وقـوع ضحايـا. كمـا ينـدرج اتخـاذ هـذا القـرار الجديـد فـي بيئـة دوليـة منهمكة فـي الأحـداث المأسـاوية فـي قطـاع غـزة التـي طغـت علـى الحـرب ...
  • November 11, 2023
    L’adoption par le Conseil de sécurité de l’Onu, le 27 octobre 2023, de la résolution 2703 (2023) sur la question du Sahara marocain, est intervenue dans un contexte régional marqué par la persistance de la tension entre le Maroc et l’Algérie et la poursuite par le polisario des violations du cessez-le-feu qui ont enregistré une escalade sans précédent, dans la nuit du 28 au 29 octobre, par le ciblage de la ville de Smara, faisant des victimes. L’adoption de cette nouvelle r ...
  • November 11, 2023
    Adoption by UN Security Council on October 27, 2023 of resolution 2703 (2023) on the question of the Moroccan Sahara took place amidst a regional context of persistent tension between Morocco and Algeria, and repeated ceasefire violations by the Polisario, culminating in unprecedented escalation on the night of October 28-29, targeting the town of Smara, and leading to casualties. The new resolution was passed when international attention focused on the tragic events in Gaza, oversh ...
  • Authors
    July 27, 2023
    Tea for two was planned in a friend’s house in California’s Beverly Hills, but, surprise, we were joined by one of the great futurist of America, a science fiction master, who turned “Fahrenheit 451” into a bestseller and himself into an admired visionary - Ray Bradbury. Bradbury who? Time is erasing memories, even of great minds - we met in the 80s at Harold Nebenzal, the producer (Cabaret) and author (Café Berlin) whose father produced German  film classics as “M” (1931) and “Das ...
  • July 20, 2023
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Having experienced considerable growth in recent years, artificial intelligence corresponds to technologies capable of processing hybrid sources, particularly unstructured data. Complex tasks are thus delegated to increasingly autonomous technological processes, capable of driving economic and social development. In current African society, AI is becoming more popular and seeking to cover all ...
  • May 24, 2023
    La création, par l’ONU, en 2006, du Conseil des droits de l’Homme (CDH) et la mise en place, une année après, de l'Examen périodique universel (EPU), ont constitué une avancée significative dans le processus de promotion de la protection des droits de l'Homme dans le monde. Désormais, et sans aucune distinction, tous les États sont régulièrement assujettis à cet examen qui couvre l’ensemble des droits individuels et collectifs ainsi que les libertés fondamentales consacrés par les I ...
  • April 24, 2023
    After decades of globalization and integration, the world seems to be fragmenting again, epitomized best, perhaps, by the return of geopolitical crisis, protectionism, unilateral sanctions, treaty withdrawals, and even military and economic coercion. Designed to foster cooperation among states, the multilateral system put in place after the Second World War grew quickly to encompass economic development, international security, global health, human rights, and environmental issues. ...
  • October 31, 2022
    اعتمــد مجلــس الأمــن للأمــم المتحــدة، فــي 27 أكتوبــر 2022، القــرار رقــم 2654 حــول مســألة الصحــراء بأغلبيـة 13  صوتـاً وامتنـاع دولتيـن عـن التصويـت همـا روسـيا وكينيـا.وقـد رحبـت الربـاط بهـذاالقـرارفيمـا انتقـده كل مـن الجزائـر والبوليسـاريو. وقـد جـدد القـرار معظـم معاييـر الحـل السياسـي وادخـل تعديـات تـروم مراعـاة التطـورات الأخيـرة وحـث الأطـراف علـى المزيـد مـن الانخـراط فـي عمليـة البحـث عـن حـل سياسـي لهـذا الخـاف. وبينمـا عـزت روسـيا امتناعهـا عـن التصويـت إ ...
  • October 31, 2022
    Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies a adopté, le 27 octobre 2022, la résolution 2654 sur la question du Sahara par 13 voix pour et deux abstentions, celles de la Russie et du Kenya. Cette décision a été accueillie avec satisfaction par Rabat et critiquée par l'Algérie et le polisario. La nouvelle résolution a reconduit la plupart des paramètres de la solution politique et introduit des ajustements destinés à tenir compte des derniers développements et à mettre le ...
  • October 19, 2022
    La place de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) dans notre vie quotidienne est de plus en plus importante. Ayant connu un essor considérable durant les dernières années, l’intelligence artificielle correspond aux technologies capables de traiter des sources hybrides et notamment des données non structurées. Ainsi, des tâches complexes sont déléguées à des procédés technologiques de plus en plus autonomes, en mesure d’impulser le développement économique et social du Maroc ...
  • Authors
    September 16, 2022
    From the perspective of international human rights law, the right to health is important with respect to the international COVAX vaccine-supply scheme. Although many States with sufficient resources have prioritized access to future vaccines through bilateral agreements with vaccine manufacturing companies over multilateral cooperation between States, it is almost universally believed that only multilateralism would enable the eventual eradication of COVID-19 from the world. There ...
  • Authors
    July 25, 2022
    Western states are increasingly sending asylum-seekers caught at their borders to states in the Global South, in violation of humanitarian principles about the right to asylum. Critics have also noted the racial dimensions of this policy, asking why Ukrainian refugees aren’t being sent to Rwanda for processing or resettlement? What has not received attention in this discussion is how, in response to internal and external pressures, African states are developing migration management ...