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Hisham Aidi Senior Fellow
Abdelaaziz Ait Ali Head - Research in Economics
Driss Alaoui Belghiti Specialist in International Relations
Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi Senior Fellow
Eduardo Amaral Haddad Senior Fellow
Mahmoud Arbouch Economist
Fahd Azaroual Economist
Mina Baliamoune Senior Fellow
Abdelhak Bassou Senior Fellow
Ferid Belhaj Senior Fellow
Mehdi Benomar Head – Research in International Relations
Rim Berahab Senior Economist
Dominique Bocquet Senior Fellow
Mounia Boucetta Senior Fellow
Oumayma Bourhriba Economist
Oumnia Boutaleb International Relations Specialist
Otaviano Canuto Senior Fellow
Khalid Chegraoui Senior Fellow
Nouzha Chekrouni Senior Fellow
Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão Senior Fellow
Uri Dadush Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Christian de Boissieu Senior Fellow
Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Senior Fellow
Hinh T. Dinh Senior Fellow
Mohammed Rachid Doukkali Senior Fellow
Mhammed Dryef Senior Fellow
Karim El Aynaoui Executive President
Rachid El Houdaigui Senior Fellow
Youssef El Jai Economist
Nihal El Mquirmi International Relations Specialist
Amal El Ouassif International Relations Specialist
Sabrine Emran Economist
Helyette Geman Senior Fellow
Hafez Ghanem Senior Fellow
Tayeb Ghazi Senior Economist
Ihssane Guennoun International Relations Specialist (On Leave)
Aomar Ibourk Senior Fellow
Len Ishmael Senior Fellow
Larabi Jaïdi Senior Fellow
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi International Relations Specialist
Yves Jégourel Senior Fellow
Kidane Kiros Senior Fellow
Moubarack Lo Senior Fellow
Mohammed Loulichki Senior Fellow
Prakash Loungani Senior Fellow
Rida Lyammouri Senior Fellow
Jamal Machrouh Senior Fellow
Badr Mandri Economist
Iván Martín Senior Fellow
Aziz Mekouar Senior Fellow
Hamza Mjahed International Relations Specialist - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Rabi Mohtar Senior Fellow
Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem Manager - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Redouan Najah International Relations Specialist
Fathallah Oualalou Senior Fellow
Ahmed Ouhnini Economist, Policy Center for the New South
Francis Perrin Senior Fellow
Emmanuel Pinto Moreira Senior Fellow
El Mostafa Rezrazi Senior Fellow
Abdallah Saaf Senior Fellow
Hamza Saoudi Senior Economist
Matsumoto Shoji Senior Fellow
Landry Signé Senior Fellow
Maha Skah Political Affairs Officer, United Nations
Helmut Sorge Columnist
Oussama Tayebi International Relations Specialist
Youssef Tobi International Relations Specialist
Hung Q. Tran Senior Fellow
Isabelle Tsakok Senior Fellow
Henri-Louis Vedie Senior Fellow
Akram Zaoui Chargé de Mission to the Executive President
Afaf Zarkik Senior Economist
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- Policy BriefJanuary 15, 2025The global energy landscape in 2024 reflects a complex interplay of geopolitical tensions, economic pressures, and uneven progress in clean energy transitions. Despite record growth in renewable energy deployment and advancements in low-carbon technologies, the world continues to fall short of…Go to topPolicy BriefDecember 20, 2024Ce papier a été initialement publié sur legrandcontinent.eu À bas bruit, plusieurs pays africains sont en train de monter dans la chaîne de valeur des véhicules électriques. Terrain de bataille de la rivalité sino-américaine sur les matières critiques, l’Afrique pourrait trouver dans la…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 20, 2024Le bassin Atlantique est une zone très importante pour l’industrie internationale des hydrocarbures (pétrole et gaz naturel). Elle l’est en termes de réserves, de production et d’exportation de pétrole et de gaz. De plus, son potentiel est loin d’être complètement exploité, ce qui signifie qu’elle…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 18, 2024The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is at a critical juncture, facing an intricate polycrisis defined by interlinked challenges including energy insecurity, water scarcity, migration, conflict, and socio-political fragmentation. These crises are not isolated; their interconnectedness…Policy BriefNovember 27, 2024In September 2024, scientists at the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service reported that summer 2024 was the hottest on record globally, and the previous twelve months posted a average global temperature that was a record 1.64 degrees Celsius (2.95 degrees Fahrenheit) above the…Related topics:Policy BriefNovember 15, 2024Le 5 novembre 2024, Donald Trump a gagné son duel face à Kamala Harris. Le 45ème président des États-Unis sera aussi le 47ème et il prendra ses fonctions à la Maison Blanche le 20 janvier 2025. Les politiques de la future Administration Trump seront évidemment très différentes de celles qu’aurait…Related topics:Policy PaperNovember 7, 2024Si la réalité même de la transition énergétique est parfois questionnée, voire remise en cause (Fressoz, 2023), l’effet de report qu’elle crée sur les ressources minérales, mis en évidence par de nombreuses études prospectives, apparaît indiscutable. Plus de cuivre, de lithium, de nickel, de…Policy BriefOctober 30, 2024This paper examines the complex interplay between global climate ambitions and national interests within the New South—defined as a diverse group of emerging economies, each pursuing distinct geopolitical strategies, economic priorities, and development goals—seen through a realist lens at the…Related topics:Policy BriefOctober 9, 2024The road to decarbonizing the planet runs through the energy transition, which includes the shift from fossil-fueled cars to renewable energy vehicles. This automotive transition is unfolding as a true revolution in the industry. The evolution toward electric and hybrid vehicles has come in tandem…Policy PaperSeptember 24, 2024Green industrial policies are essential to enable the structural transformations needed for a successful transition to a low-carbon economy. Because of the pressing need to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, it is imperative to reallocate resources strategically from carbon-…Related topics:Policy BriefJuly 23, 2024Le rôle du secteur halieutique dans l’alimentation du continent africain est considérable : 22 % des protéines animales disponibles viennent des produits de la mer et des eaux douces et plus de 50 % dans certains pays africains, en particulier en Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest. Les pêches et…Related topics:Policy BriefJuly 2, 2024The agricultural sector is responsible for 72% of global water withdrawals, and is the biggest employer of the world’s most vulnerable and poor populations. Still, close to 84% of smallholder farms in low- and middle-income economies are located in water-scarce regions, with less than one third of…Related topics:Policy PaperMay 24, 2024Africa has a wealth of natural resources, including minerals, agriculture, and energy commodities, which provides an opportunity for the financialization of these commodities on the continent, a concept that has gained global attention and sparked debate on the potential benefits and drawbacks.…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 23, 2024Au cours de la prochaine décennie, la transition énergétique transformera le paysage économique mondial en termes de régulations, d’investissements industriels et énergétiques et de solutions technologiques développées. Le continent africain est appelé à jouer un rôle important dans…Related topics:Policy PaperMay 20, 2024Carbon pricing mechanisms are central to mitigating climate change. These mechanisms work by internalizing the costs associated with greenhouse gas emissions, thus encouraging emissions reductions and promoting technological progress in favor of sustainable alternatives. However, the implementation…Related topics: