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All our podcasts are now available on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Subscribe on the platform of your choice to stay up to date with our latest episodes.





January 2025
Helmut Sorge & Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo
There is an elephant in the room: NATO and conflict

NATO faces unprecedented challenges as it expands to 32 members, including Sweden and Finland, against geopolitical tensions with Russia.

January 2025
Helmut Sorge, Duncan Wood
The Fragility Paradox: Energy Systems and Technological Vulnerabilities

Our modern world relies on fragile systems—vulnerable to risks like massive solar storms, dependent on rare earth minerals, and deeply interconnected with China’s dominance in global supply chains.

January 2025
أميرة الشال , إيمان لهريش, إيمان مصطفى
المرونة الاقتصادية والتحديات الهيكلية في الاقتصاد المصري

تتناول هذه الحلقة من سلسلة بودكاست مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد مفهوم المرونة الاقتصادية بوصفه أداة أساسية لفهم ديناميات الاقتصاد المصري في مواجهة الصدمات المتكررة والتحديات الهيك

December 2024
Marianna Albuquerque, Strahinja Matejic, Ahmed Ouhnini
Latin American Unity and Atlantic Regionalism in a Shifting Global Landscape

Latin America's lack of regional unity has long impacted its role in the broader Atlantic region. Despite shared geographic and historical ties, countries within Latin America have faced political and economic divides that hinder stronger collaboration.

December 2024
Kidane Kiros & Paul Isbell
Liberalism, Pan-Atlanticism and the Atlantic Basin

The Atlantic Basin holds unique promise as a space for fostering liberal international cooperation amidst growing global fragmentation.

December 2024
Kidane Kiros & Paul Isbell
Realism, Pan-Atlanticism and the Atlantic Basin

The Southern Atlantic is emerging as a pivotal region in global power dynamics, situated at the intersection of competing realist and liberal perspectives.

December 2024
Rim Berahab & Hung Tran
The Geopolitics of Energy Transition: Opportunities for the Global South

The global energy transition is unfolding amid escalating geopolitical tensions, record-breaking temperatures, and trade wars.

November 2024
Rim Berahab, Sabrine Emran, Amal El Ouassif
COP29 Preview: Carbon Markets, Finance, and Human Mobility

As COP29 unfolds in Baku, many critical climate issues are discussed and debated. This year’s conference is a pivotal moment for global climate action.

November 2024
Tosin Durotoye and Majda Belkheiri
Bridging the Gender Gap: Investing in Women and Girls in Africa

In this episode, ADEL alumna Tosin Durotoye dives into the vital topic of investing in women and girls in Africa, shedding light on how targeted education and empowerment can drive impactful change in underserved communities.

November 2024
Meryem Aassid & Michael Stopford
The Evolving Role of Social Media in the 2024 U.S. Elections

Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok have transformed political campaigns. Initially leveraged by figures like Obama, social media’s role surged under Donald Trump, who used it extensively to reach supporters.

October 2024
Akram Zaoui & Otaviano Canuto
Brazil's economy and participation in global governance

After the highly polarized 2022 presidential elections, Brazil's political landscape remains influenced by regional voting patterns and lingering divisions. In this episode, Ottaviano Canuto provides a detailed analysis of Brazil's economic trajectory.

October 2024
By Helmut Sorge, Christopher Adam
Africa's Debt Dilemma Unveiled

Christopher Adams from Oxford University shares his expertise on Africa's economic landscape.

September 2024
Amal El Ouassif, Iván Martín
Enjeux politiques de l’immigration en Espagne

La question de l'immigration occupe une place croissante dans le débat politique en Espagne. Alors qu’un tiers des Espagnols la considère comme le principal problème du pays, surpassant même des questions telles que le chômage ou le logement.

September 2024
Helmut Sorge & Erik Berglöf
New Tools, Big Impact: Financing Africa’s Green Transformation

Africa is experiencing a significant economic transformation driven by innovative financing solutions. New tools such as performance-linked instruments and debt-for-nature swaps are helping African nations achieve their climate goals while unlocking substantial economic potential.

September 2024
Akram Zaoui & Zeno Leoni
Strategic Rivalries and Global Shifts: US-China Relations and the Emerging Global Order

In this episode, Dr. Leoni discusses the concept of a "new Cold War" between the United States and China. He explores the evolving geopolitical rivalry between these superpowers, drawing parallels to the Cold War while emphasizing the unique contemporary context.

August 2024
Fahd Azaroual, Sampawende Tapsoba
Diaspora bonds: An innovative source of financing?

The African continent is currently facing the challenge of attracting significant investments in crucial sectors such as energy, agriculture, infrastructure, and health. However, access to finance remains a major obstacle.

August 2024
Helmut Sorge and Hans Peter Lankes
Unlocking Africa's Economic Transformation: A Dialogue on Innovative Financing Strategies

Delve into the critical topic of fostering Africa's economic transformation through innovative financing. Hans Peter Lankes shares his expertise on what innovative financing entails and the challenges it addresses.

August 2024
Helmut Sorge & Tayo Aduloju
Africa's Economic Growth, Social Justice, and Future Prospects

In this episode, Tayo Aduloju discusses the pressing issues of social justice and systemic inequality, emphasizing the role of education and policy reform in fostering a more equitable society.

August 2024
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi, Dominique Bocquet
La Vème République à l'épreuve des élections législatives anticipées

Les élections législatives françaises anticipées du 30 juin/7 juillet dernier, organisées dans le sillage des élections européennes qui entrainèrent une éclatante victoire du RN et l’effondrement de la majorité présidentielle, ont plongé la France dans une configuration politique inédite depuis l

July 2024
Zineb Faidi & Abdou Cissé
Trajectoires et transformations de la démocratie sénégalaise : de Senghor à Faye

Ce podcast examine les évolutions de la démocratie sénégalaise depuis l'époque de Léopold Sédar Senghor jusqu'à la présidence de Faye, en discutant des changements politiques, économiques et sociaux.

July 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Saïd Abass Ahamed
Facilitation et négociation en temps de guerre

La facilitation et la négociation en temps de guerre sont des outils cruciaux pour instaurer la paix et la stabilité dans les régions en conflit. Ces processus permettent aux parties belligérantes de dialoguer, de trouver des compromis et de parvenir à des accords qui mettent fin aux hostilités.

July 2024
Akram Zaoui, Dominique Bocquet, Otaviano Canuto, Paul Isbell
Is the China Policy of the Biden and Trump Administrations the Same?

Many observers have commented on the similarities that the Foreign Policies of the Biden and Trump administration have in common, oftentimes considering that the key differences lie in style rather than substance. Of all topics of convergence, China would be the top issue. Is it so?

June 2024
Fadila Filali, Fatimata Ba
Zones humides : pour un avenir durable en Afrique

Les zones humides en Afrique sont des écosystèmes uniques et vitaux qui offrent une multitude de services écologiques, économiques et sociaux.

June 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Raja Bensaoud
Le droit de la concurrence face à l’intelligence artificielle

L'Intelligence artificielle a profondément perturbé le droit de la concurrence, appelant à une révision des cadres réglementaires pour garantir des marchés concurrentiels et protéger les consommateurs.

June 2024
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub & Jacques De Pina Tavares
Les enjeux de la désertification et la dégradation des sols en Afrique subsaharienne

La désertification et la dégradation des sols en Afrique subsaharienne représentent une crise environnementale et socio-économique qui exige une attention urgente.

June 2024
Rim Berahab & Francis Perrin
Duel Biden/Trump : quelles politiques énergétiques pour les Etats-Unis ?

Dans ce podcast, Francis Perrin, expert en énergie et Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South, revient sur les choix énergétiques des deux derniers Présidents des Etats-Unis, Joe Biden et Donald Trump.

May 2024
Akram Zaoui, Erzsébet N. Rózsa, László Csicsmann
Do Central European Countries Have a Strategy for the Middle East & Africa ?

Central & Eastern Europe, on the one hand, and the MENA region, on the other one, have often been described as competing for the EU’s attention.

May 2024
Fadila Filali & Asmaa Guedira (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Women's Environemental Leadership

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap, we feature 2023 ADEL alumna Asmaa Guedira discussing Women's Environmental Leadership. Asmaa highlights the unique contributions women bring to environmental leadership and shares inspiring examples of successful women-led initiatives.

May 2024
Majda Belkheiri et Amal El Ouassif
Le partenariat pour la mobilité Union européenne – Mauritanie : Enjeux et perspectives

En mars 2024, la Commission européenne a lancé à Bruxelles, la conclusion d’un

May 2024
Sabrine Emran & Nadia Makara (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in Urban Coastal Areas

In this episode of Echoes of the Earth, we explore the topic of climate-resilient infrastructure in urban coastal areas with ADEL alumna Nadia Makara. Nadia explains what climate-resilient infrastructure entails and its importance for cities facing climate change.

May 2024
Sabine Emran, Camellia Mahjoubi, Paolo Cutrone
Building Resilience in North Africa through the Energy Transition and Electricity Security

The global energy crisis caused by COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict has exposed the economic and geopolitical vulnerabilities of North Africa, which relies heavily on fossil fuels.

May 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Roxy Ndebumadu
Bridging the Gender Gap - Women in Politics in the USA

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap, we delve into the journey of 2023 ADEL alumna Roxy Ndebumadu, the youngest and first African American woman to serve as Bowie City Councilwoman for District 4 in Maryland, USA.

May 2024
Wiam Hammouchene, Kenneth Welman Chaula, Justice Nyamangara
Fertilizers and extension services: empowering African agriculture

Fertilizers are essential for boosting agricultural productivity in Africa by replenishing soil nutrients and increasing crop yields. However, their optimal utilization faces challenges such as environmental degradation and limited access for smallholder farmers.

May 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Naima Hamoumi
La façade atlantique africaine : Risques naturels, prévention et adaptation

La façade atlantique africaine, une région riche en ressources naturelles, fait face à des défis environnementaux croissants. Inondations, érosion côtière, cyclones, et montée des eaux : les risques naturels menacent l'équilibre fragile de ces régions.

April 2024
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi & Raja Bensaoud
L'intelligence artificielle : quelles menaces pour les élections majeures de 2024 ?

En 2024, des scrutins nationaux majeurs vont s’organiser dans près de 80 pays dans le monde. Or, les technologies de l’intelligence artificielle, notamment l’IA générative et ses progrès rapides, suscitent de fortes inquiétudes quant à son utilisation pour influencer les résultats.

April 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & David Lawless (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Exploring Climate Policies for a Net-Zero Future

Join us as we discuss with David Lawless, an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader (ADEL) alumnus, to explore the intersection of climate research and policy.

April 2024
Afaf Zarkik, Hamza Mjahed and Rim Berahab
The aftermath of the energy crisis in North Africa

The global energy crisis caused by COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict has exposed the economic and geopolitical vulnerabilities of North Africa, which relies heavily on fossil fuels.

April 2024
Zineb Fathi & Theodora Skeadas (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Online Gender-based violence

In this episode, join us for a great conversation with Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) alumna Theodora Skeadas, a public policy professional with a wealth of experience at the intersection of technology and society.

April 2024
Oumayma Bourhriba et Saloi El Yamani
Understanding the dynamics of manufacturing employment in Morocco

Over the past couple of decades, Morocco has witnessed a noticeable decline in the share of manufacturing in its overall value-added and employment.

April 2024
Abdelhak Bassou &Mohamed Brick
De l’Alliance à la Confédération des Etats du Sahel : évolution ou révolution ?

L'Alliance des États du Sahel (AES), créée en 2023 par le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso, vise à unir leurs forces pour contrer les menaces sécuritaires dans la région.

April 2024
Wiam Hammouchene & Winnie Mutai (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate Change Finance in Africa

Step into the world of climate action with "Echoes of the Earth," featuring ADEL alumna Winnie Mutai from Kenya in an insightful episode on Climate Change Finance.

March 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi and Aldo Liga
Le coût du non-Maghreb

L’intégration régionale maghrébine est devenue, dans un contexte international en proie à d’importantes reconfigurations, plus qu’une nécessité économique, un impératif de la transformation structurelle des économies maghrébine.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Silindile Mlilo (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Gender, Youth & Migration

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap with Silindile Mlilo, the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna shines a spotlight on Gender Youth and Migration.

March 2024
Sara Mokaddem and Sir John Sawers
Sir. John Sawers on Multilateralism and Cooperation in a Complex Global Landscape

In this podcast with Sir. John Sawers, executive chairman of New Bridge Advisory, and former head of the British foreign intelligence service (MI6), we discuss the intricate dynamics of co

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Miriam Privarova (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate Catalysts: Empowering Tomorrow's Change

Join us for the first episode of the podcast series Echoes of the Earth: Navigating Environmental Challenges in the Atlantic Basin. Miriam Privarova, a 2023 ADEL alumna from Slovakia, shares her knowledge in a dynamic podcast discussion on empowering communities to combat climate change.

March 2024
Sabrine Emran and Samir Rachidi
Renewable Energy perspectives in Morocco: R&D, challenges, and the role of youth

In this podcast episode, Mr. Samir Rachidi, the acting general manager at IRESEN, discusses the institute's role in advancing renewable energy development in Morocco and its impact on the country's energy security.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Camila Crescimbeni (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Leading Change: Gender & Youth in Politics

Join us on our podcast as we delve into the intersection of gender, youth, and politics with ADEL Alumna Camila Crescimbeni from Argentina.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Sydney Piggott (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Intersectionality and Feminism

This podcast on Intersectionality and Feminism features Canadian advocate and 2022 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna Sydney Piggott. We explore the concept of intersectionality, its origins, evolution, and its pivotal role in understanding discrimination and privilege.

March 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi and Zineb Faidi
Women’s Conditions in Morocco

Despite the various progress recorded over the last decades, Morocco is still experiencing significant gender gaps. This is a cause of concern because countries with high gender inequality, grow more slowly.

March 2024
By Otaviano Canuto, Dominique Bocquet, Paul Isbell
Biden’s action: a political economy perspective

This podcast tackles the intricacies of Biden’s presidency from a political economy standpoint. Our guests initially discuss the degree to which it can be argued that US democracy has recently been under threat.

February 2024
Ahmed Ouhnini et Ferid Belhaj
La Banque Mondiale au Maroc : Bilan d'une décennie d'actions

Dans ce podcast, avec monsieur Ferid Belhaj, Vice-président de la Banque Mondiale pour la région MENA, nous abordons les conclusions d'une évaluation indépendante sur le soutien de la Banque mondiale au Royaume du Maroc et ses implications pour le Nouveau Modèle de Développement.

February 2024
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi - Hakim El Karoui
Dynamiques et mutations de la méditerranée

Le bassin méditerranéen concentre dans son espace restreint tous les enjeux et des défis de la mondialisation et est confronté à l’ensemble des risques qui en découlent.

February 2024
Rim Berahab and Hafez Ghanem
Financing the Future: The Role of a Global Green Bank in Sustainable Development

In this episode with Dr. Hafez Ghanem, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, we discuss the establishment of a Global Green Bank, differentiating it from traditional financial entities with a focus on sustainability. Dr.

February 2024
Youssef El Jai & Ferid Belhaj
A Path to Strengthening the Global Financial Architecture

In this podcast, Mr.

February 2024
Hermine Sam Adams Bodomo Helen Dempster David Lelu Pedro Peña Tapia
A Sustainable Brain Drain?

Within professional and academic circles, the idea of "brain drain" has long been a topic of discussion, generating arguments from a variety of angles.

January 2024
Eilish Zembilci, Duke University, Isabelle Tsakok, Alexander de Waal
Perspectives on Hunger

Tune in to understand the motivators of food related insecurity, the historical roots of Western responses to global food insecurity and how policies can be built to encourage food stability around the world.

January 2024
Mahmoud Arbouch and Hung Q Tran
Financialization and increased economic fragility

Since the 1980s, financial activities and assets have gained significant prominence in the global economy, surpassing the growth rate of underlying economic activity measured by global GDP.

January 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi and Renée Cummings
The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

New Technologies can have, and already is having, a profound impact on our society. However, the new technologies can also be used to malicious ends or have unintended negative consequences.

January 2024
Helmut Sorge and Nathalie Delapalme
Redefining Democracy in Africa

In this podcast, Ms. Nathalie Delapalme, Executive Director of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, presents a compelling philosophical approach to understanding the new Africa. Ms.

January 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi & Kassie Freeman
The Diaspora as a tool of African Soft Power

The role played by diasporas in international relations should not be neglected. Bilateral engagements between states can be significantly affected by the practical and perspective relations between the diaspora community and their homeland.

December 2023
Akram Zaoui, Paul Isbell & Len Ishmael
The Wider Atlantic: Cross Perspectives from the North and South

The Wider Atlantic looks like an underinvested space in spite of its strategic significance and of its potential as a vast area of peaceful cooperation.

December 2023
Amal El Ouassif and Martin Ruhs
Bridging Horizons: Navigating Europe-Africa Cooperation on Migration

Join us in this insightful podcast episode featuring Mr.

December 2023
Helmut Sorge & Sara Burke
Between Globalization and Non-Globalization: Is there a reverse?

In this podcast, Ms.Sarah Burke, Senior Policy Analyst at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation in New York, highlights the escalating and unpredictable risks associated with geopolitical decisions.

December 2023
Javier Cantero, Fatima Aliyu Magaji, Maiga Attaher
Climate Change and Security in the Sahel

Delving into the nuances of this paradigm shift, the speakers shed light on how climate change is now perceived not only as an environmental challenge but also as a critical factor influencing global peace dynamics.

December 2023
Akram Zaoui and Tai Ming Cheung
Growth, Innovation, and the Security/Technology Nexus in China

Over the past decades, China has discreetly built up its innovation and patiently poured capital and focused on the development of its technology. China notably anticipated the technological needs that the green transition would require, and consolidated its global footprint in related sectors.

November 2023
Akram Zaoui & Anahi Wiedenbrüg
Debt from a Southern Perspective

Debt in the Global South was a key point of discussion during the last annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund which took place in Marrakesh on October 2023.

November 2023
Helmut Sorge & Stefan Buijsman
Artificial Intelligence: Historical Context of Technological Change

During this interview, Mr. Stefan Buijsman, Assistant Professor at the Technische Universiteit Delft provides an analysis on the multifaceted nature of Artificial Intelligence, raising critical questions about its role in our future.

November 2023
Helmut Sorge & Jean-Daniel Gerber
War and World Economy: Unpacking the Impact of Global Tensions and Conflicts

In this episode, we analyze the influence of the global tensions, featuring discussions on the far-reaching consequences of the ongoing wars and their ripple effects on the world economy as we discuss the critical role of central bankers in navigating these turbulent times. Mr.

November 2023
Helmut Sorge & Thierry Warin
Industrial Policy for Innovation and Technology Upgrading in Africa

As the world enters the era of the fourth industrial revolution characterized by advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, and automation, the preparedness of African nations varies significantly. Economists argue that Africa missed out on the first three industrial r

October 2023
Hamza Saoudi & Imane Lahrich
Économie Informelle au Maroc : Réalités et Recommandations

Au cours de cet épisode, nous aborderons les aspects suivants : la définition de l'emploi informel, son importance dans l'économie marocaine, les raisons de sa prévalence, les implications qui en découlent, ainsi que les recommandations visant à faire face à cette réalité complexe.

October 2023
Akram Zaoui & Mustapha Kamel Nabli
Trapped in the middle: A talk on MENA’s economic challenges

High unemployment rates, particularly among the urban and educated youth, low accumulation of human capital, and a weak private sector leading to low growth levels have been the key features of the MENA region's economy. Dr.

October 2023
Helmut Sorge & Abla Abdel Latif
Rising Inflation and Economic Challenges in Africa

The confluence of Covid 19 and the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in a troublesome surge of inflation not seen for decades.

September 2023
Afaf Zarkik, Jean-Louis Arcand
The Power of Innovation for Sustainable Development

In this episode, we delve into the critical issues of climate change, energy transition, and food security in Africa.

September 2023
Fahd Azaroual & Saloi El Yamani
L'érosion de la base d'imposition, le transfert de bénéfices et les défis de l'espace fiscal en Afrique

L'érosion de la base d'imposition et le transfert de bénéfices (BEPS) impliquant des entreprises multinationales est un problème complexe et multidimensionnel résultant de lacunes et d'incohérences e

September 2023
by Oumayma Bourhriba and Otaviano Canuto
Global Economy Now and the Challenges Ahead

The global economy is on the path to recovery following the dual challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

September 2023
Akram Zaoui & Serhat Suha
Where does Türkiye stand? A glimpse at the Turkish policy in 2023

This podcast was recorded before the second round of the Turkish presidential election. While the result of the latter was still unknown, the first round as well as the legislative elections had marked clear tendencies within the Turkish society.

September 2023
by Hala Boumaiz & Len Ishmael
Unveiling Power Dynamics: The West and the Global South

In this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Len Ishmael, editor and co-author of the book “Aftermath of War in Europe: The West VS. the Global South?”. Dr.

August 2023
Helmut Sorge & Rear Admiral Nuno de Noronha Bragança
African Coastal Piracy and Migration Challenges

During the interview, we presented a series of questions to Mr. Nuno, starting with an analysis of piracy along the African coast. We inquired about its current threat to our communities and whether containment is achievable.

August 2023
Hamza M’jahed and Maria Helena De Felipe
Empowering Women in Economic Diplomacy: Unlocking Potential in the Mediterranean

In this episode, titled "Empowering Women in Economic Diplomacy: Unleashing Potential in the Mediterranean," Maria Helena de Felipe, a renowned authority in business leadership and economic diplomacy, discusses her journey in empowering women within the business sphere.

August 2023
Saloi El Yamani & Sabrine Emran
Energy Demand and the Shadow of Recession

 In a constantly evolving global landscape, characterized by a series of impactful shockwaves reverberating across various sectors, the energy sector stands out as one that has been significantly affected.

August 2023
Abdessalam Jaldi & Abdelkader El Khissassi
L’Union pour la Méditerranée: une priorité méditerranéenne

L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) est une organisation intergouvernementale fondée en 2008 qui regroupe 43 pays.

August 2023
Janina Stürner-Siovitz, Fatima Fernandez and Mohamed Wajdi Aydi
Migration Governance and City Diplomacy

Migration is a natural human phenomenon, yet the current narrative often centres on security and border management, with little attention paid to origin and transit countries of incoming migration fluxes.

July 2023
Helmut Sorge & Badreddine El Harti
Security in Libya : Is there Peace on the Horizon ?

Libya, a nation abundant in valuable resources such as human capital, minerals, and oil, has also been characterized by cultural homogeneity and harmonious coexistence.

July 2023
Hamza M’jahed & Maggie Janes-Lucas
Charting Peace and Security in the Sahel

This podcast aims to assess the recent security developments in the Sahel and adopt a proactive approach towards the practical measures required to revitalize peace efforts in the region.

July 2023
Soukaina El Majidi & Mekki Zouaoui
L’éducation et la préservation du patrimoine culturel

L'éducation et le patrimoine culturel sont interconnectés. L'éducation permet la transmission et la préservation du patrimoine culturel, tandis que le patrimoine culturel enrichit l'éducation en fournissant des éléments significatifs à apprendre, valoriser et préserver.

July 2023
Hamza M’jahed & Dominique Bocquet
L’Union européenne sortira-t-elle affaiblie ou renforcée des événements en Ukraine ?

Plus d’un an après le déclenchement de la guerre en Ukraine, l'Europe se retrouve plongée dans un conflit de haute intensité.

June 2023
Len Ishmael and Ian Lesser
Southern Atlanticism in a Polarized World

As the world witnesses a period of disruption marked by Great-Power rivalry and increasing insecurity, Southern Atlanticism serves as a catalyst for greater cooperation and representation in global affairs.

June 2023
Amal El Ouassif & Damien Jusselme
Foresight & Migration: Perspectives and Limitations

Predicting migration patterns is increasingly becoming a field of interest to multiple stakeholders from the decision makers in political spheres, to analysts and researchers in the field of academia.

June 2023
عبد الله متقي, إيمان لهريش
حديث الثلاثاء: المعادن الاستراتيجية والحرجة في المغرب

نسلط الضوء في حلقة هذا الأسبوع من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء على الدور المحوري الذي يمكن أن تضطلع به المعادن الاستراتيجية والحرجة في تمكين المغرب من تعزيز سيادته الصناعية وتحقيق أهدافه في مجال الانتقال الطاقي والاستثمار، مع الحرص على احترام المتطلبات الاجتماعية والبيئية لهذا ال

June 2023
Soukaina El Majidi & Henri Louis Vedie
L'essor des cryptomonnaies en Afrique : Influence sur le secteur bancaire et distinctions par rapport à la finance conventionnelle

Dans ce podcast, M. Vedie, expert des questions financières, nous apporte des éclaircissements sur les cryptomonnaies et la finance-tech, ainsi que leurs différences par rapport à la finance conventionnelle.

June 2023
Fathallah Oualalou Imane Lahrich
حديث الثلاثاء : هل عادت القطبية الثنائية الدولية؟

سنحاول في هذه الحلقة الوقوف عند إحداثيات وتداعيات عودة هيمنة القطبية الثنائية على المشهد الدولي، بعد نحو 3 عقود من أفولها إثر انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي في عام 1991، واحتدام الاستقطاب على وقع الأزمة الأوكرانية الذي يهدد عمل المنظمات الدولية وسط تصاعد دعوات إصلاح منظومة الأم

June 2023
Oumayma Bourhriba et Patrick Plane
Le rôle de la compétitivité du taux de change dans l’accélération des exportations des pays africains

La croissance et l'accélération des exportations revêtent une importance cruciale dans la transformation structurelle et le développement économique des pays émergents et en développement.

June 2023
Imane Lahrich & Larabi Jaidi
حديث الثلاثاء : ميثاق الاستثمار الجديد وتأثيره على الاقتصاد المغربي

يعد ميثاق الاستثمار الجديد، الصادر، في دجنبر 2022، والذي تم تطبيق أول مراسيمه، في يناير المنصرم، خارطة الطريق الإستراتيجية لإعطاء نفس جديد للاستثمار بالمغرب، الذي من شأنه أن يعزز تنافسية الاقتصاد الوطني، فضلا عن تثمين دور الفاعلين في القطاع الخاص، وكذا منظومة الإنتاج المغ

June 2023
Hamza M’jahed and Elena Sanchez-Montijano
Migration and Integration in Atlantic Latin America

In this podcast episode, we delve into the complex and diverse topic of migration and integration in Atlantic Latin America. As we explore the historical events and patterns of migration that have shaped the region's cultural, social, and economic development.

June 2023
Imane Lahrich & khalid chegraoui
حديث الثلاثاء - ماذا ينتظر تركيا بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية: قراءة بين الثوابت والمتغيرات

يزخر المغرب بتراث ثقافي جعله يتبوأ بأعلى المراتب على الصعيد الإفريقي من حيث عدد التسجيلات الثقافية على قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي، وهو الشيء الذي مكن المغرب من إطلاق مجموعة من المشاريع والمبادرات المؤطـرة التي يتم دعمها وطنيا ودوليا.

June 2023
By Suhail Inyatullah & Soukaina El Majidi
AI Futures: How Artificial Intelligence Shapes Our Future Predictions in Foresight studies

In this podcast, we discuss how artificial intelligence and digital development contribute to more accurate predictions and scenario building during foresight studies.

May 2023
Hamza M’jahed & Bruno Theodoro
Unveiling the Dynamic Ties between Latin America and the European Union

In this episode, we go beyond the surface and explore the historical background and significant milestones that have shaped the interactions between Latin America and the European Union. Dr.

May 2023
أحمد سكونتي Imane Lahrich
حديث الثلاثاء: تحديات تدبير التراث الثقافي في المغرب في ظل الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية

يزخر المغرب بتراث ثقافي جعله يتبوأ بأعلى المراتب على الصعيد الإفريقي من حيث عدد التسجيلات الثقافية على قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي، وهو الشيء الذي مكن المغرب من إطلاق مجموعة من المشاريع والمبادرات المؤطـرة التي يتم دعمها وطنيا ودوليا.

May 2023
Imane Lahrich & Leonardo Paz Neves
Challenges of Democracy in Brazil: Polarization, Policies, and Governability

In this podcast episode, Imane Lahrich hosts Leonardo Paz Neves to discuss the challenges facing democracy in Brazil. The country has faced political turmoil eading to a decline in public trust in political institutions.

May 2023
Gerardo Maldonado & Mohamed Brick
Beyond Borders: Exploring Latin American Public Opinion on Atlantic Space

The term "Atlantic matter" refers to the geopolitical and economic significance of the Atlantic Ocean and its surrounding regions, including Latin America, Africa, and Europe.

May 2023
Imane Lahrich & Hafez Ghanem
حديث الثلاثاء: افاق الاقتصاد الإقليمي في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا


على ضوء الاجتماعات السنوية لمجموعة البنك الدولي وصندوق النقد الدولي

May 2023
Rim Berahab & Ana Ayuso Pozo
The Energy Map of the Atlantic

This podcast examines current trends in energy production and consumption in the Atlantic region. It discusses the challenges facing the energy sector due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine, and the increasing importance of energy security.

May 2023
Imane Lahrich & Mohammed Loulichki
حديث الثلاثاء: إفريقيا والدبلوماسية المتعددة الأطراف

بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للتعددية والدبلوماسية من أجل السلام، قررنا تخصيص الحلقة إلى إفريقيا ومبدأ تعددية الاطراف في سياق اوضاع السلم والأمن الهشة في منطقة الساحل وانتشار عدم الاستقرار في البحيرات الافريقية الكبرى، بالإضافة إلى عجز مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة عن مواجهة ال

April 2023
Youssef El Jai & Mark Aspinwall
The Energy Transition in The Global South: Building Resilience and Overcoming Conflict

In this podcast, we explore the issue of sustainability in the Global South as it pertains to the energy transition and the challenges faced in implementing policies. Drawing on Professor Aspinwall's work on Latin America, the discussion sheds light on the evolution of renewable energy adoption.

April 2023
Imane Lahrich & Raja Bensaoud
حديث الثلاثاء: الحق في الحصول على المعلومات وتعزيز الممارسة الديمقراطية

يعتبر الحق في الحصول على المعلومات إحدى آليات الشفافية وتيسير الرقابة على السياسات العمومية والمشاركة في الحياة العامة، باعتباره حقا مدنيا وسياسيا نادت به كل المواثيق الدولية.

April 2023
Akram Zaoui & Tobias Borck
Middle East Security Landscape

The Middle East has always been a region of interest to both the media and policymakers in foreign affairs, but recent developments have brought it even more to the forefront of global attention.

April 2023
محمد بازة, عبد الحفيظ دباغ
حديث الثلاثاء: أي تدبير للموارد المائية في المغرب: بين السياسات القطاعية وجودة الحكامة

استمرت الموارد المائية في المغرب في التقلص على مدى عدة عقود بسبب انخفاض الإمدادات والاستغلال المفرط للموارد غير المتجددة ونقص التناسق بين البرامج التنموية القطاعية فيما يتعلق بالموارد المائية المتاحة وعجز كبير في حكامة الموارد المائية.

April 2023
Abdessalam Jaldi & Aldo Liga
Italy's Maghreb policy

Geographical proximity, historical ties, and cultural and social exchanges largely account for Italy’s enduring engagement with the Maghreb.

April 2023
Abdessalam Jaldi & Dominique Bocquet
Les relations entre l’Union européenne et le Royaume-Uni à l’aune des accords de Windsor

Bruxelles et Londres ont amorcé un partenariat nouveau avec la conclusion des accords de Windsor qui définirent un nouveau statut juridique propre à l’Irlande du nord permettant d’éviter le rétablissement d’une frontière physique entre les deux Irlande, afin de ne pas fragiliser le processus de p

April 2023
Abdessalam Jaldi & Raja Bensaoud
AFRICAFÉ : L'Organisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires (OHADA)

Dans cet épisode, Raja Bensaoud, juriste spécialiste en droit des affaires et droit numérique, décrypte le rôle de l'Organisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires (OHADA) et évoque les enjeux liés à son avenir.

April 2023
Imane Lahrich & Lahcen Oulhaj
حديث الثلاثاء: رهانات تعزيز ادوار الطبقة الوسطى في المغرب

يرتبـط مفهـوم الطبقـة الوسـطى ارتباطـاً جوهريـاً بمفهـوم الطبقـة الاجتماعية وبدراسـة التقسـيم الاجتماعي كما يتطلــب توســيع هذه الطبقــة  حركيــة اجتماعيــة هدفهــا القضــاء علــى الفقــر وتمكيــن السـاكنة ذات الدخـل المنخفـض والتـي تعانـي الهشاشـة مـن الولـوج إلـى مسـتوي

March 2023
Amal El Ouassif & Jeremaiah Opiniano
Pandemic Induced Return Migration: Crossing the Perspectives From Morocco and Philippines

In this podcast, Jeremaiah Opiniano brings a unique perspective to the impact of COVID-19 on migration and return management. He highlights the different experiences of Morocco and the Philippines in managing return migration during the pandemic.

March 2023
Imane Lahrich & Tayeb Ghazi
حديث الثلاثاء: الهجرة الدورية في المغرب: تجربة العاملات الموسميات في إسبانيا

كشفت دراسة نشرتها المنظمة الدولية للهجرة حول العاملات الموسميات بعد انتهاء مدة إقامتهن في إسبانيا والعودة إلى المغرب، أن أكثر من 83٪ من النساء يدعمن أسرة مالياً.

March 2023
Abdelhak Bassou & Imane Lahrich
Les dessous de la présence militaire russe en Afrique

Dans ce nouvel épisode, Imane Lahrich accueille Abdelhak Bassou pour discuter des dessous de la présence militaire russe en Afrique.

March 2023
by Youssef Tobi & Gilles Yabi
Africafé : Participation citoyenne et résolution de conflits en Afrique de l’Ouest

Dans cet épisode, Gilles Yabi, directeur exécutif du West Africa Think Tank (WATHI), analyse dans le contexte actuel les rôles pour la société civile dans la résolution de conflits (Mali, Burkina Faso).

March 2023
Rim Berahab & Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega
How to face the energy crisis while staying on the decarbonization path?

This podcast explores the challenge of balancing the need for energy with the urgent necessity of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.

March 2023
Badr Mandri & Akram Zaoui
حديث الثلاثاء: الاستثمار الخارجي وعوامل جاذبيته ومساهمته في التنمية الوطنية في المغرب
March 2023
Akram Zaoui & Hisham Aidi
Decoloniality in Africa: A Review of Actors and Debates

The roots of decoloniality go deep into modern African history. Debates have circulated across the continent and beyond to define an African epistemè freed from colonialism.

March 2023
Farid El Asri & Afaf Zarkik
Les femmes musulmanes, entre le perçu, le lu et le su

M. El Asri, anthropologie, diplômé en islamologie, judaïsme et agrégé en langue arabe, partage une lecture et une analyse de son chapitre « Les femmes musulmanes, entre le perçu, le lu et le su » dans l’ouvrage « le leadership féminin au Maroc, de l’invisibilité à la visibilité ».

March 2023
Larabi Jaidi & Sabrine Emran
Humaniser le divorce : Où en est la visibilité des droits de la femme ?

Mr. Jaïdi, Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South, nous apporte sa vision autour du climat actuel du divorce au Maroc, de la problématique du partage des biens, et de l’estimation juste de la valeur de la contribution de la femme dans le foyer Marocain.

March 2023
Soukaina El Majidi, Nada Drais, imane lahrich
Le féminisme à l’ère du numérique : opportunités et défis de l'action collective

Dans ce podcast, Imane Lahrich et Nada Drais reviennent sur le devenir et l’avenir de l’action collective féministe au Maroc en prenant en considération le facteur des nouvelles technologies, thématique centrale de leur chapitre au sein de l’ouvrage « Le leadership féminin au Maroc : de l’invisib

March 2023
Soukaina El Majidi & Abdelhak Bassou
Leadership public féminin au Maroc

Dans ce podcast, Monsieur Abdelhak Bassou, Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South nous parle du Leadership public féminin au Maroc qui est de même l’intitulé de son chapitre 9 dans l’ouvrage « Le Leadership féminin au Maroc de l’invisibilité à la visibilité ».

March 2023
Youssef Tobi & Oussama Tayebi
Africafé - La conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs : enjeux et perspectives

Dans cet épisode, Oussama Tayebi décrypte les enjeux et les perspectives de la Conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs et le contexte géopolitique qui s’y affaire en Afrique centrale.

March 2023
Sarah Bentefrit & Fadila Filali
Diaspora marocaine et féminisme : retrouver notre pouvoir et réconcilier nos identités multiples

Dans ce podcast, Sarah Bentefrit revient sur son chapitre « Diaspora marocaine et féminisme : retrouver notre pouvoir et réconcilier nos identités multiples » au sein du livre produit par le Policy Center for The New South, « le leadership féminin au Maroc : de l’invisibilité à la visibilité ».

March 2023
Akram Zaoui & Mounia Boucetta
حديث الثلاثاء: الهيدروجين الاخضر: طاقة المستقبل؟

انطلقت دول وتكتّلات جهوية كثيرة في تطوير قطاع الهيدروجين الأخضر، معتبرة إياه مورد أساسي لتلبية الطلب الدولي للطاقة في المستقبل، حيث يفرض تغير المناخ البحث عن بدائل للنفط والغاز الطبيعي والفحم المهيمنين حاليا ومنذ بداية العصر الصناعي على الاستهلاك العالمي للطاقة.

March 2023
Abdelaziz Aitali & Guntram Wolff
Energy transition and nationalist industrial policies in the wake of the Russian Ukrainian war

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has compounded the complex interplay between nationalist industrial policies and geopolitical tensions.

February 2023
Imane Lahrich & Abdessalam Saad Jaldi
حديث الثلاثاء: الذكاء الاصطناعي في المغرب بين الأخلاقيات والمسؤولية القانونية

يتطور العالم بشكل متسارع جداً، في ظل الثورة الصناعية الرابعة وعصر الذكاء الاصطناعي، وإنترنت الاشياء والعالم الافتراضي، لذا أصبح الذكاء الاصطناعي هو من يتولى القيام بمهام الإنسان، إذ بدأ يشغل بشكل فعلي وظائف البشر.

February 2023
Sabrine Emran & Filippo Fasulo
An outlook of the relationship between the US and China in 2023

The relationship between the US and China continues to be complex and multi-faceted.

February 2023
Youssef Tobi & Rim Berahab
Africafé: Remodeler le secteur de l'énergie à travers la Méditerranée, le cas de l'hydrogène vert au Maroc

Dans cet épisode, Rim Berahab expose la stratégie du Maroc dans l’implémentation de l’hydrogène vert comme solution pour la transition énergétique au Maroc et analyse l’implication de ces investissement marocains sur le secteur de l’énergie dans le bassin méditerranéen.

February 2023
Akram Zaoui & El Mostafa Rezrazi
حديث الثلاثاء: التطرف العنيف: المقاربات والاسباب وآليات المكافحة

طبقا لقرار من المجلس العام لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة يخصص يوم 12 فبراير للاحتفال بمكافحة التطرف العنيف.

February 2023
Zineb Fathi & Paolo Magri
The Expansion of the BRICS in a World of Shifting Power Dynamics

In this episode, Paolo Magri delves into the evolving role of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in a world of changing geopolitical landscapes.

February 2023
Akram Zaoui & Imane Lahrich
حديث الثلاثاء : قراءة في تحولات موازين القوى في منطقة الساحل

ترتبط التحديات الأمنية بالمنطقة المغاربية ارتباطا قويا بحالة عدم الاستقرار السائدة في منطقة الساحل، حيث تواجه هاتين المنطقتين أزمات أمنية كبرى تُؤثر فيموازين القوة بشكل أصبح يؤثر مباشرة على الأجندة السياسية في منطقة الساحل التي تشهد ديناميات جديدة، تتعدي إلى دول شمال إفري

February 2023
Hamza M’jahed & Jonathan Eyal
The future of European Security

The war in Ukraine has been a major destabilizing factor for European security, and its future is now uncertain and complex.

February 2023
Youssef Tobi & Sabrine Emran
Africafé: Fostering Effective Energy Transition in the Atlantic Region

In this episode, Sabrine Emran talks about the prospects of the energy transition in the Atlantic region and the potential for partnership across the Atlantic in order to foster a reliable and efficient energy transition in the region.

February 2023
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi & Thomas Gomart
Les relations UE-Afrique à l’aune de la guerre d’Ukraine

Les dirigeants de l’Union européenne et de l’Union africaine ont posé lors du 6ème sommet UE-Afrique qui avait eu lieu à Bruxelles en février 2022 les jalons d’une relation renouvelée, basée sur l’approche de coopération gagnant-gagnant.

January 2023
Akram Zaoui & Mahmoud Arbouch
حديث الثلاثاء: انعكاسات التضخم على الاقتصاد الكلي المغربي

كثيرا ما ركّزت التعليقات والتحليلات على الأسباب المباشرة وشبه المباشرة والظرفية والدولية ألتي أدت الى موجة التضخم التي يشهدها العالم. في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نقترح رؤية اكاديمية وعلمية للمفهوم، مقسّمين الظاهرة الى أجزاء ومكوّنات مختلفة.

January 2023
حديث الثلاثاء: منظومة الحوار الاجتماعي فــي المغرب بين الرهانات والتطلعات

ينـص الفصـل الاول مـن الدسـتور علـى أن النظـام الدسـتوري للمملكـة يقـوم علـى الديموقراطيـة المواطنـة والتشــاركية، فــي حيــن يدعــو الفصــل الثامــن إلــى النهــوض بالمفاوضــة الجماعيــة وتعزيــز التمثيــل المهنــي والنقابـي.

January 2023
Youssef El Jai & Fahd Azeroual
De la vulnérabilité à la résilience économique en Afrique

La fréquence et la gravité croissantes des crises économiques, financières et sanitaires au cours des dernières décennies ont soulevé d’importantes questions concernant la vulnérabilité macroéconomique des pays et les politiques appropriées nécessaires pour résister et faire face aux chocs.

January 2023
Youssef Tobi & Dennis Njau
Africafé: Africa’s Post Covid Recovery at the continental level: Non-tariff Barriers

In this episode, Dennis Njau describes and analyses how non-tariff barriers are impacting the recovery of the SADC and the African continent post-covid.

January 2023
Imane Lahrich & Youssef Tobi
The New Security Dynamics of the Atlantic Basin and the Way Forward for a Pan-Atlantic Approach

Within the realm of military conflicts, the Atlantic Basin can be considered a relatively peaceful area, especially in the northern part.

January 2023
Hisham Aidi & Akram Zaoui
Challenging times : Democratic transitions and Democracy in Africa

In this episode, Dr. Aidi walks us through recent changes that underline how the global democratic recession is playing in out in Africa. He also offers a focus on North Africa with the cases of Sudan and Tunisia.

January 2023
Sabrine Emran & Afaf Zarkik
Le changement climatique, un concept complexe et multidimensionnel

Contrairement aux problèmes environnementaux d' « ancienne génération », le réchauffement climatique est un des problèmes politiques les plus délicats du 21ème siècle.

December 2022
Imane Lahrich, Hans van der Loo
Blue Economy : Towards an integrated and systemic cooperation model across the Atlantic

The blue economy is an important engine of development. Its importance has been widely measured and recognized economically, socially and environmentally. However, its impact at the regional and local levels has not been fully measured.

December 2022
Ahmed Ouhnini & Pierre Jacquemot
Le financement de la relance économique à moyen terme en Afrique

Si dans d’autres régions du monde, la levée des fonds et les mécanismes de financement semblent être faciles à mobiliser, l’Afrique continue d’éprouver quelques difficultés à combler ses besoins de financement pour la relance de son économie.

December 2022
Afaf Zarkik & Francis Perrin
Les stratégies des grandes compagnies pétrolières internationales

Comment les majors pétrolières sont-elles impactées par la guerre en Ukraine ? Leurs profits ont évidemment connu des hausses importantes, faut-il pour autant les qualifier de profiteurs de guerre ?

December 2022
Sabrine Emran & Philippe Chalmin
Perspectives de la crise des matières premières en Europe

Depuis février 2022, l’approvisionnement des matières premières en Europe constitue une des problématiques majeures auquel le continent est affronté.

November 2022
Youssef Tobi & Rida Lyammouri
Militarized Border Security Will Not Stop the Spread of Extremism

Communities in northern Côte d’Ivoire report an ongoing pattern of questioning, ethnically- motivated arrests, and abuse, in contrast to the good relationships with local forces and police they had until two years ago.

November 2022
Soukaina El Majidi, Zineb Touimi-Benjelloun
Security council resolution 1325 :Morocco’s National Action Plan 2021-2024

Aware of the importance that the United Nations grants to the Women, Peace and Security agenda as an action priority in the maintenance of international peace and security, Morocco has been ceaselessly working towards achieving the objectives of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), in line wi

November 2022
Rim Berahab & Diana Gherasim
European Green Deal, 3 years later

Since its unveiling in December 2019, The EU Green Deal became one of the EU’s most ambitious policies, aiming at protecting the planet and Europeans from environmental degradations, through a holistic approach to the energy transition, promoting sustainable growth and a just transition.

November 2022
Nada Drais et Christophe Chabert
Comment les semi-conducteurs sont-ils devenus un cas de containment technologique ?

Dans le cadre de la 13ème édition des Dialogues Stratégiques, Christophe Chabert, chercheur associé au Centre HEC de géopolitique, livre une analyse géopolitique de l’écosystème autour des semi-conducteurs.