تونس منذ 25 يوليوز 2021:إلى أين ؟

August 2, 2022

يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لقراءة التطورات الحاصلة 2022 يوليوز 25بتونس، منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء يوم مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد وياسمين وردي عكريمي، باحثة بمركز بروكسل الدولي

نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى فحص الأزمة الدستورية التي تعيشها تونس منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء التي حولت البلاد من ديمقراطية في أزمة إلى نظام استثنائي ، فضلاً عن خصائص الجمهورية التونسية الثالثة، في ظل أزمة اقتصادية و إجتماعية حادة تهز البلاد وتهدد ماليتها بالإفلاس

Akram Zaoui
Manager – Research Support & Public Policy Lab
Akram Zaoui is an International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he works on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa. After several experiences that led him to work for public and private entities in Jordan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, he devoted himself for almost 2 years to the issue of Islam in France. In this context, he has contributed to academic productions and field missions and has been in charge of the coordination, preparation and evaluation of the action of different actors involved in the issue (public institutions, private operators, civil society organizations and personalities, media, and academic institutions and researches,). He holds a Dual Degree in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris (“Prog ...
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi
International Relations Specialist
Abdessalam Jaldi is an International Relations Specialist, with a focus on International Law and International Relations. He is currently working in the Policy Center for the New South as a core member of an analytical study examining the Maghreb mutations, the Euro-African relations, the new tendencies of international law and the influence of India and Africa. Ph.D Doctor in Law from France in 2018, he has four years of experience working in non-profit, social research and electoral observations. ...
Yasmine Akrimi
Analyste de recherche sur l'Afrique du Nord au Brussels International Center (BIC)


  • Authors
    Jesús P. Mena-Chalco
    Otávio Sidone
    October 11, 2017
    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre as potencialidades da utilização dos dados curriculares derivados das informações da Plataforma Lattes como ferramentas para avaliação do desempenho científico de pesquisadores. Um novo indicador, denominado "Índice Multidimensional de Desempenho Científico" (IMDC), é proposto considerando um amplo conjunto de indicadores bibliométricos que buscam captar diferentes formas da produção acadêmica dos atuais pesquisadores vinculados ...
  • October 10, 2017
    L’objet de ce travail est de proposer la mise en place d’un partenariat de progrès entre la Chine et le Maroc, centré sur la question agroalimentaire en Afrique. C’est dans ce continent que la demande alimentaire va augmenter d’une façon très sensible au cours du XXIème siècle notamment en raison de sa progression démographique et de l’accélération de son urbanisation. L’Afrique est dans l’obligation de réussir sa révolution agricole pour combattre la faim et la pauvreté, accéder à ...
  • Authors
    October 6, 2017
    This Policy Brief highlights the depths of the Sahel crisis. Some aspects of the crisis, such as extremist violence, migration, transnational crime and precariousness, are in fact symptoms of a disease that will only get worse if the real and deep causes are not addressed. Exploring the case of the G5 Sahel as a framework for the convenience of study and analysis does not imply that the crisis is limited to the five countries that are part of the G5 Sahel. Indeed, while specificitie ...
  • Authors
    October 6, 2017
    Le message essentiel de ce Policy Brief porte sur les profondeurs dans la crise du Sahel. Certains aspects de la crise tels que la violence extrémiste, les migrations, le crime transnational ou encore la précarité ne sont que les symptômes d’une maladie qui ne fera qu’empirer si les causes réelles et profondes ne sont pas traitées. En prenant le cas du G5 Sahel, comme cadre pour des commodités de l’étude et de l’analyse, nous n’insinuons en aucun cas que la crise est limitée aux cin ...
  • Authors
    Thomas Awazu Pereira da Silva
    October 4, 2017
    Is Education in crisis worldwide? It surely is a fundamental issue of national and international development for Morocco’s policy makers. Recent reforms point to a key moment and momentum builder in public policy and policy implementation for the Kingdom. Policy makers agree that Education touches on fundamental themes of development economics as well as cognitive growth and ethics. It is behind human capital accumulation, and thus productivity and economic growth benefits from inte ...
  • October 04, 2017
    This podcast is performed by Dr. Rabi Mohtar. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has projected that temperatures in the Arab region will rise between 1 to 1.5 degrees by ...
  • Authors
    October 3, 2017
    Traiter de la dynamique du prix des matières premières impose de caractériser trois phénomènes auxquels ils sont soumis : les tendances de (très) long terme, les cycles de moyen/long terme et la variabilité/volatilité à court terme (Jacks, 2013). Influençant fortement les économies des pays exportateurs, chacun d’entre eux appelle à la mise en œuvre de stratégies spécifiques, notamment en termes de politiques publiques. Ainsi, alors que la volatilité interroge sur la disponibilité d ...
  • Authors
    October 3, 2017
    Dealing with the dynamics of commodity prices requires the characterization of three phenomena to which they are subject: (very) long-term trends, medium / long-term cycles and short-term variability / volatility (Jacks, 2013). As they strongly infuence the economies of exporting countries, each of these phenomena calls for the implementation of specifc strategies, particularly in terms of public policies. Thus, whereas volatility raises the question of availability of hedging tools ...
  • Authors
    Can ÖĞÜTÇÜ
    Mehmet ÖĞÜTÇÜ
    September 29, 2017
    This paper discusses the expanding links between China, Central Asia and Russia over the past quarter a century, most recently via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in geopolitics and trade/ investment, as well connections in oil, gas and electricity. These links that continue to expand are likely to change the current economic, political and energy landscape beyond recognition. They are forging mutual economics dependencies and reducing security risks. The paper also assesses wh ...
  • Authors
    Yassine Msadfa
    September 21, 2017
    Les chaînes de valeur mondiales offrent de nouvelles opportunités de transformation structurelle pour les pays en développement. Aujourd’hui la vision des chaînes de valeur mondiales se limitant à l’analyse des flux commerciaux et des IDE à l’échelle globale n’est plus suffisante pour répondre aux questions clés du positionnement et de la remontée dans ces chaînes de valeur, de la dynamique de la capture de la valeur et de sa pérennisation. La réponse à ces questions appelle un écla ...