APSACO Talks 2020 - Panel 2: The privatization of violence in Africa...

September 24, 2020

With regards to human security in Africa, this panel will highlight the evolution of organized crimes in Africa while exploring the privatization of security under international Law: • Exploitation of the COVID-19 health crisis by extremist groups • Evolution of organized crime in Africa • Private actors at the service of human security in Africa, between cohabitation and rejection • Does the privatization of security contribute to the exacerbation of tensions and conflicts? • Private military companies in Africa under international law PANEL 2: THE PRIVATIZATION OF VIOLENCE IN AFRICA: NON-STATE ARMED GROUPS AND PRIVATE SECURITY Chair: Alioune Ndiaye, Head of Peace Division, ICESCO Speakers : - Afua Boatemaa Yakohene, Research Fellow, Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD) - Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) - Duncan E Omondi Gumba, Senior Researcher, Institute for Security Studies (ISS) - Al Mostafa Rezrazi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)

Rida Lyammouri
Senior Fellow
Rida Lyammouri is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South. His research activities focus on geopolitics and international relations in the West African Sahel, a region he has worked on for about a decade. He has extensive experience supporting both governmental and non-governmental organizations in the areas of international aid, development, and security. Some of the topics he covers include countering violent extremism (CVE), conflict prevention and conflict sensitivity, humanitarian access, and migration. Mr. Lyammouri has contributed to numerous in-depth research and analysis reports aiming at building deeper understanding of regional and domestic challenges. He is often solicited by various stakeholders to provide policy recommendations on how to address va ...
El Mostafa Rezrazi
Senior Fellow
Dr El Mostafa Rezrazi is a professor of Crisis Management, and Security Studies and a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South who focuses on Terrorism, Security and East Asia studies. His area of Expertise covers Afro-Asian Affairs, Strategic & Security Studies, Terrorism, Extremism and Deradicalization, mainly from the view of Criminal; Legal and Forensic Psychology.  He got his Ph.D. in Regional & International Affairs from the University of Tokyo in 1998, and later a Doctorate from the University of Mohammed V on the Psychological dynamisms of Suicide Bombers (2014). He is the executive director of the Moroccan Observatory on Extremism and Violence, Director of the African Center for Asian Studies, Rabat. Currently, he is Visiting Professor at the Univ ...
Alioune Ndiaye
Expert des relations indo-africaines et cofondateur et directeur du Centre pour l'étude du partenariat Inde-Afrique
Alioune Ndiaye est un expert des relations indo-africaines et cofondateur et directeur du Centre pour l'étude du partenariat Inde-Afrique. Il est enseignant en sciences politiques et relations internationales à la faculté de politique appliquée de l'Université de Sherbrooke, au Canada. Ses recherches portent sur les systèmes politiques africains ainsi que sur les relations économiques de l’Afrique avec les puissances émergentes. Ses principales publications sont «Africa in India’s Foreign Policy» (2013), et «Nigeria under Buhari, between economic diversification and social federalism» (2018). ...


  • September 24, 2020
    S'agissant de la sécurité humaine en Afrique, ce panel s'intéressera à l'évolution de la criminalité organisée en Afrique tout en se penchant sur la privatisation de la sécurité au regard du droit international : • Exploitation de la crise sanitaire due à la COVID-19 par des groupes ext...
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