حديث الثلاثاء - زلزال الحوز: الأبعاد الاقتصادية والسياساتية لجهود إعادة الإعمار
September 25, 2024
بعد مرور عام على زلزال الحوز الذي خلف خسائر بشرية ومادية جسيمة في عدة أقاليم بالمغرب، تشهد عملية إعادة الإعمار تقدماً ملحوظاً، إلا أن التحديات لا تزال قائمة أمام استعادة الحياة الطبيعية للسكان المحليين. وبينما نراجع الإنجازات التي تحققت حتى الآن، ما هي الدروس التي يمكن استخلاصها لتعزيز الاستدامة في جهود إعادة البناء؟ وكيف يمكن ضمان استمرار الدعم لضمان التنمية المستدامة للمناطق المتضررة؟

Badr Mandri
Badr Mandri is an Economist who joined Policy Center for the New South after two years’ experience at the Moroccan national statistics office (HCP, High Commission for Planning). His research activities focus on development macroeconomics especially on fiscal policy and development financing. Badr Mandri holds a master’s degree in applied economics, and is currently a PhD student at Mohamed V University in Rabat;

Mhammed Dryef
Senior Fellow
Professor M’hammed Dryef is Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, Affiliate Professor at the Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences (FGSES) of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), and Special Advisor at the Public Policy School (UM6P).
He has spent his career in public administration and has held several leadership positions within the public sector including Chief of Staff at the Ministry of the Interior; Governor Director of the Casablanca Urban Agency; Director General for National Security; Director General for Urban Planning & Territorial Planning; Wali-Director General for Interior Affairs; and Wali of Fez-Boulemane (1991-1998), Greater Casablanca (2003-2005), and Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra regions (2006). Earlier in hi ...

Abdelaaziz Ait Ali
Head - Research in Economics
Abdelaaziz Ait Ali is a principal Economist and head of the Research Department at the Policy Center for the New South. He joined the Center in 2014 after five years of experience at the Central Bank of Morocco. He worked as an economist in the International Studies and Relations Department and was analyzing the real estate price index and financial asset prices for monetary policy and financial stability purposes. Since then, Abdelaaziz has focused on cyclical and structural issues of the Moroccan economy, including macroeconomic management and industrial policy design. He has published articles on the reform of the exchange rate regime in the Moroccan economy and its implications for macroeconomic regulation, as well as on the evolution of the macroeconomic framework over th ...