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Fathallah Oualalou Senior Fellow
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Hung Q. Tran Senior Fellow
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Henri-Louis Vedie Senior Fellow
Akram Zaoui Chargé de Mission to the Executive President
Afaf Zarkik Senior Economist
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- Policy BriefJanuary 21, 2025According to the 2024 Secretary-General Report on Sahara (2024 Report), the biggest challenge may be the absence of progress in reaching a political solution to the Sahara Issue. Why has this conflict continued for half a century? In the 2024 Report, the Secretary-General has not attempted to give…Related topics:Go to topPolicy BriefJanuary 20, 2025This paper (see pages: 182-186), included in the report 'Foresight Africa - Top Priorities for the Continent 2025-2030,' was originally published on brookings.edu In an increasingly fragmented world grappling with common challenges such as the global climate crisis, the Atlantic Ocean can be…Paper in Academic JournalsJanuary 17, 2025This paper was originaly published on cell.com Early school dropout rates in Morocco exhibit widespread spatial imbalances leading to adverse consequences. Indeed, there is thus a pressing need to investigate the factors contributing to the phenomenon. To this end, this study conducts a…Policy PaperJanuary 17, 2025L’enclavement des quatre pays de la région sahélo-saharienne subit des contraintes et induit des effets de plus en plus transnationaux et complexes. Il s’agit ainsi de clarifier cette notion d’enclavement dans ses multiples dimensions, externe, interne et inter-régionale en mettant en exergue…Related topics:Policy BriefJanuary 15, 2025The global energy landscape in 2024 reflects a complex interplay of geopolitical tensions, economic pressures, and uneven progress in clean energy transitions. Despite record growth in renewable energy deployment and advancements in low-carbon technologies, the world continues to fall short of…Policy BriefJanuary 13, 2025هذا البحث مقتطف من كتاب ”الهوية الأفريقية للثقافة المغربية“. شـكلت التجـارة العابـرة للصحـراء إلـى عهـد قريـب، فرصـة للمغـرب ولإفريقيـا جنـوب الصحـراء ليكتشـف كل طـرف ثقافـة وحضـارة الآخـر. حظـي هـذا التواصـل المبكـر باهتمـام دراسـات كثيـرة، داخـل القـارة الإفريقيـة وخارجهـا؛ تجمعهـا خاصيـة فـي…Policy BriefJanuary 10, 2025The Lake Chad Basin and the Sahel regions have faced multidimensional conflict since 2011. Violence, attributed mostly to violent extremist organizations (VEOs) affiliated to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, has put both regions on the global map of the deadliest armed conflicts and worst…Related topics:Policy BriefJanuary 3, 2025This paper, included in the report "Urban Sustainable Development: Governance, Finance and Politics.", was originally published on:https://cebri.org/en/doc/356/cebri-and-rio-g20-committee-publish-urban-sustainable-development-governance-finance-and-politics © Vormittag, Pedro, Marianna…Related topics:Policy BriefJanuary 2, 2025This paper, included in the report "Urban Sustainable Development: Governance, Finance and Politics.", was originally published on:https://cebri.org/en/doc/356/cebri-and-rio-g20-committee-publish-urban-sustainable-development-governance-finance-and-politics © Vormittag, Pedro, Marianna…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 24, 2024Over the past 50 years, international law relevant to the Sahara Issue has evolved significantly. Yet, even recent developments, such as a decision by the EU court and a proposal by the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy to partition the Saharan provinces, have not adequately accounted for these…Related topics:Policy PaperDecember 20, 2024This Paper was originally published on geopolitique.eu In an era of unprecedented global interconnectedness, developing countries face an increasingly complex and often hostile economic landscape. This landscape is shaped by three main groups of policy constraints. First, the rise among major…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 20, 2024Ce papier a été initialement publié sur legrandcontinent.eu À bas bruit, plusieurs pays africains sont en train de monter dans la chaîne de valeur des véhicules électriques. Terrain de bataille de la rivalité sino-américaine sur les matières critiques, l’Afrique pourrait trouver dans la…Related topics:Policy BriefDecember 20, 2024Le bassin Atlantique est une zone très importante pour l’industrie internationale des hydrocarbures (pétrole et gaz naturel). Elle l’est en termes de réserves, de production et d’exportation de pétrole et de gaz. De plus, son potentiel est loin d’être complètement exploité, ce qui signifie qu’elle…Related topics:Policy PaperDecember 19, 2024This paper assesses the outcomes of COP29 in Baku, focusing on its achievements and shortcomings in advancing global climate governance. Key milestones included the adoption of the new collective quantified goal (NCQG), the tripling of climate finance commitments to $300 billion annually by 2035,…Related topics:Policy PaperDecember 19, 2024The European Union’s (EU) Global Gateway initiative, established to enhance global connectivity and sustainable infrastructure, offers a significant opportunity to align with Africa’s development goals under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). However, the challenge lies in whether…Related topics: