The Global Peace Index is the flagship publication of the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) and is now on its fourteenth edition. The Global Peace Index (GPI) presents one of the most comprehensive data-driven analysis on trends in peace worldwide, the economic value of peace and how to develop peaceful societies. The GPI and its findings are widely used by governments, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and think tanks. -------- Moderator: Khalid Chegraoui, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South Speaker: Serge Stroobants, Director Europe and the MENA Region, Institute for Economics & Peace Discussants: - Annika Hilding Norberg, Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding, Geneva Center for Security Policy - Yonas Adaye Adeto, Director, Institute for Peace & Security Studies (IPSS) - Jalal Abdel-Latif, Senior Social Policy Advisor, Gender and Poverty, Social Policy Division, UNECA - Yann Bedzigui, Independent Analyst