

Présentation ARCADIA : l’Afrique et les marchés mondiaux de matières premières

June 2017
Yves Jégourel 

Ce podcast est présenté par M. Yves Jégourel. L’Policy Center for the New South et le Cercle CyclOpe organisent la présentation de la deuxième édition d’ARCADIA, Annual Report on Commodity Analytics and Dynamics in Africa , un ouvrage de 270 pages, rédigé par les deux institutions et dédié spécialement aux marchés des matières premières en Afrique. A cette occasion, M. Yves Jégourel nous présente le rapport et le fruit de ses recherches et analyses.


  • December 30, 2016
    This podcast is performed by Mr. David Humphrey. Mineral economics comprises a wide range of issues relating to the mineral sector. These include pure economics topics such as prices, cos ...
  • Authors
    November 21, 2016
    Sans surprise, le West Texas Intermediate et le Brent, les deux grandes références de prix du brut, ont entamé depuis fin septembre une valse dont les mondes économiques et politiques observent avec attention les différents mouvements. Leurs prix ont bondi d’environ 15% entre le 27 septembre et le 10 octobre, atteignant alors plus de 50 USD/bbl, avant de replonger ensuite sur le mois suivant pour toucher leur plus bas niveau depuis deux mois. Dernier développement en date : un nouve ...
  • Authors
    Youssef El Hayani
    November 11, 2016
    Africa is endowed with an abundance of renewable (forestry, water, wind, solar) and non-renewable (extractives, oil, gas, minerals) natural resources. It is estimated that the continent accounts for about 7% of global oil reserves, 7% of natural gas, 20% of land area, 9% of renewable water resources and 17% of forests. The continent is also home to the largest or second largest world reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamonds, manganese, phosphate rock and platinum group metal ...
  • Authors
    Youssef El Hayani
    July 29, 2016
    Recent years have witnessed several governments’ discussions about the sustainability and adequacy of the current energy strategies. The latest Conference of Parties (COP) 21, was another occasion to try to move to a binding and universal agreement on climate, with an end goal of maintaining global warming bellow 2°C. The reason is that a large portion of the international community seems to be reaching a consensus that moving from fossil fuels is becoming a pressing necessity. Yet, ...
  • Authors
    July 4, 2016
    Suriname is facing twin - external and fiscal - deficits that originated in the commodity price slump of recent years. In response, the Surinamese government started a four-pronged adjustment program in August 2015 to adapt to new circumstances. Falling commodity prices led to multiple shocks on the Surinamese economy... On the back of favorable commodity prices and appropriate domestic policies, the Surinamese economy grew at an average rate of 5% per year - amongst the highest i ...