

Le Nigéria : entre défis sécuritaires et humanitaires

September 2021
Oumnia Boutaleb & Abdelhak Bassou

Bien qu’il ait basé ses deux mandats sur la lutte contre l’insécurité et la corruption, le président Buhari se heurte aujourd’hui à de multiples échecs et ne peut aujourd’hui que constater l’intensification des attaques terroristes, de la criminalité et des violences en tout genre. Ce dernier est même confronté à des critiques devant son incapacité à endiguer l’insécurité. On lui reproche son manque de leadership ainsi que son absence de la scène publique. Depuis 2008, le pays est en proie à des conflits multiples. Le décès de plusieurs personnalités impactant l’aspect sécuritaire risque de redéfinir les défis nigérians. Dans ce podcast, Abdelhak Bassou explique les enjeux sécuritaires du Nigéria ainsi que l’impact de nouveaux entrants sur le paysage sécuritaire.


  • Authors
    Dida Badi
    February 20, 2010
    The industrial revolution underwent by Europe in the 18th century has triggered the need for the major colonial powers to find new markets for their manufactured products. It is in this colonial competitive framework that European explorers delivered information about the different access roads, as well as the Tuareg tribes, notably the Kel Ajjer and the Kel Ahaggar. ...
  • From

    5:30 pm February 2022
    Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South, will be speaking at the webinar “security and governence in africa: sahel and libya” organized by frica Study Group in partnership with The Middle East Institute. The security dynamics of the Maghreb and the Sahel are intertwined and the consequences of the Libyan conflict on the Sahel have been serious. Since its beginning in 2011, this conflict has triggered global concern about the economic, security, and geostrategic impacts on the Sahel. Current threats are posed by the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation, and misuse of arms, as well as the flow of armed groups and mercenaries. Despite considerable international efforts, especially by African countries, the Sahel is still experiencing one of the ...