

European Energy Security Priorities 2016

March 2016
Michael Leigh 

This podcast is performed by Michael Leigh. As we enter 2016, Europe's energy situation will face many political and security challenges. Sir Michael Leigh will review in this presentation the goals of European Commission’s energy union and discuss some of the political obstacles that will need to be overcome if it is to advance. Much of this relates to Russia, given the push to diversify sources, and the tensions over Nord Stream II among other mounting pressures. Michael Leigh will also look at energy developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and their implications for the region and Europe.


  • March 1, 2022
    Known for being a climate change hotspot, Morocco is at the forefront of a climate disaster. Consequences are already being felt, whether in the form of increasing temperature or a downward trend in precipitations, which directly threaten the water security and, by extension, the social-ecological systems of the country. The systems by which food, energy, and water are produced, distributed, and consumed heavily depend on one another. Their implicit feedbacks and links are not linea ...
  • February 25, 2022
    The One Planet Summit for the Ocean was held in Brest during which President Emmanuel Macron brought together heads of state and government, heads of multilateral institutions, business l ...
  • Authors
    February 14, 2022
    Si les liens existant entre l’exportation de matières premières et l’industrialisation sont étudiés depuis longtemps, l’entrée résolue de l’économie mondiale dans l’ère de la transition environnementale et numérique leur offre une dimension toute particulière. L’évidence de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique par la décarbonation de notre monde ne saurait, en effet, faire oublier toute la complexité de la stratégie à adopter pour y parvenir. Il s’agit, pour l ...
  • Authors
    December 10, 2021
    Addressing the increasing demands for water, energy, and food requires a coherent methodology to ensure that  societies have access to them and that conflict over them is avoided. For example, agriculture and food production  require water and energy; energy production also requires water and, in some instances, agricultural products.  Water distribution and treatment can be very energy intensive. Therefore, the benefits of approaching the Water- Energy-Food (WEF) nexus in an integr ...
  • November 19, 2021
    This Podcast is based on a Policy Brief by Rim Berahab and Uri Dadush. It examines how Morocco progresses on the mitigation component of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targe ...
  • Authors
    November 10, 2021
    Après avoir connu plusieurs années difficiles marquées par une abondance de stocks et des surcapacités, l’aluminium a vu ses cours flamber sur les dix premiers mois de 2021, et ce malgré une inflexion récente. Au-delà de la reprise de la demande mondiale dans un contexte post-Covid-19, c’est la contraction de l’offre de la Chine, premier producteur mondial, qui expliquait cette dynamique haussière, alors que nombre de métaux de base tendaient à voir leurs prix fléchir depuis l’été. ...
  • November 9, 2021
     As COP 26 unfolds, more attention is likely to be paid to big emitters such as China and the United States than to the situation of small developing countries, even though they are more exposed to the consequences of climate change. Morocco falls into this category. This Policy Brief examines Morocco's mitigation objectives under its NDCs and its performance to date before exploring the needed measures to achieve the 2030 mid- term goal. Although Morocco has made significant progre ...