

Bridging the Gender Gap: Gender, Science and Technology

June 2021
Nihal El Mquirmi & Amanda O Mathe (ADEL)
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Although there is growing recognition that Science, Technology and Innovation can contribute significantly to promoting development, STI policies generally lack a gender perspective, and therefore do not adequately and equitably address all development concerns. At present, there is a gender imbalance in S&T education in many countries. While it is true that digital and financial inclusion platforms do empower, their use also demands literacy and training, and it is the access to the technology-focused education that is so unequal. In this episode, Amanda O Mathe, Founder and Director of Ndlovukazi Online Media, Founder of Qhakaza Girl IT and an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna discusses the participation of women and girls in STEM sectors, the challenges they encounter and how to tackle them.


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