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July 2024
Zineb Faidi & Abdou Cissé
Trajectoires et transformations de la démocratie sénégalaise : de Senghor à Faye

Ce podcast examine les évolutions de la démocratie sénégalaise depuis l'époque de Léopold Sédar Senghor jusqu'à la présidence de Faye, en discutant des changements politiques, économiques et sociaux.

July 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Saïd Abass Ahamed
Facilitation et négociation en temps de guerre

La facilitation et la négociation en temps de guerre sont des outils cruciaux pour instaurer la paix et la stabilité dans les régions en conflit. Ces processus permettent aux parties belligérantes de dialoguer, de trouver des compromis et de parvenir à des accords qui mettent fin aux hostilités.

July 2024
Akram Zaoui, Dominique Bocquet, Otaviano Canuto, Paul Isbell
Is the China Policy of the Biden and Trump Administrations the Same?

Many observers have commented on the similarities that the Foreign Policies of the Biden and Trump administration have in common, oftentimes considering that the key differences lie in style rather than substance. Of all topics of convergence, China would be the top issue. Is it so?

June 2024
Fadila Filali, Fatimata Ba
Zones humides : pour un avenir durable en Afrique

Les zones humides en Afrique sont des écosystèmes uniques et vitaux qui offrent une multitude de services écologiques, économiques et sociaux.

June 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Raja Bensaoud
Le droit de la concurrence face à l’intelligence artificielle

L'Intelligence artificielle a profondément perturbé le droit de la concurrence, appelant à une révision des cadres réglementaires pour garantir des marchés concurrentiels et protéger les consommateurs.

June 2024
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub & Jacques De Pina Tavares
Les enjeux de la désertification et la dégradation des sols en Afrique subsaharienne

La désertification et la dégradation des sols en Afrique subsaharienne représentent une crise environnementale et socio-économique qui exige une attention urgente.

May 2024
Akram Zaoui, Erzsébet N. Rózsa, László Csicsmann
Do Central European Countries Have a Strategy for the Middle East & Africa ?

Central & Eastern Europe, on the one hand, and the MENA region, on the other one, have often been described as competing for the EU’s attention.

May 2024
Fadila Filali & Asmaa Guedira (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Women's Environemental Leadership

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap, we feature 2023 ADEL alumna Asmaa Guedira discussing Women's Environmental Leadership. Asmaa highlights the unique contributions women bring to environmental leadership and shares inspiring examples of successful women-led initiatives.

May 2024
Majda Belkheiri et Amal El Ouassif
Le partenariat pour la mobilité Union européenne – Mauritanie : Enjeux et perspectives

En mars 2024, la Commission européenne a lancé à Bruxelles, la conclusion d’un

May 2024
Sabrine Emran & Nadia Makara (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in Urban Coastal Areas

In this episode of Echoes of the Earth, we explore the topic of climate-resilient infrastructure in urban coastal areas with ADEL alumna Nadia Makara. Nadia explains what climate-resilient infrastructure entails and its importance for cities facing climate change.

May 2024
Sabine Emran, Camellia Mahjoubi, Paolo Cutrone
Building Resilience in North Africa through the Energy Transition and Electricity Security

The global energy crisis caused by COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict has exposed the economic and geopolitical vulnerabilities of North Africa, which relies heavily on fossil fuels.

May 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Roxy Ndebumadu
Bridging the Gender Gap - Women in Politics in the USA

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap, we delve into the journey of 2023 ADEL alumna Roxy Ndebumadu, the youngest and first African American woman to serve as Bowie City Councilwoman for District 4 in Maryland, USA.

May 2024
Wiam Hammouchene, Kenneth Welman Chaula, Justice Nyamangara
Fertilizers and extension services: empowering African agriculture

Fertilizers are essential for boosting agricultural productivity in Africa by replenishing soil nutrients and increasing crop yields. However, their optimal utilization faces challenges such as environmental degradation and limited access for smallholder farmers.

May 2024
Majda Belkheiri & Naima Hamoumi
La façade atlantique africaine : Risques naturels, prévention et adaptation

La façade atlantique africaine, une région riche en ressources naturelles, fait face à des défis environnementaux croissants. Inondations, érosion côtière, cyclones, et montée des eaux : les risques naturels menacent l'équilibre fragile de ces régions.

April 2024
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi & Raja Bensaoud
L'intelligence artificielle : quelles menaces pour les élections majeures de 2024 ?

En 2024, des scrutins nationaux majeurs vont s’organiser dans près de 80 pays dans le monde. Or, les technologies de l’intelligence artificielle, notamment l’IA générative et ses progrès rapides, suscitent de fortes inquiétudes quant à son utilisation pour influencer les résultats.

April 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & David Lawless (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Exploring Climate Policies for a Net-Zero Future

Join us as we discuss with David Lawless, an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader (ADEL) alumnus, to explore the intersection of climate research and policy.

April 2024
Afaf Zarkik, Hamza Mjahed and Rim Berahab
The aftermath of the energy crisis in North Africa

The global energy crisis caused by COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict has exposed the economic and geopolitical vulnerabilities of North Africa, which relies heavily on fossil fuels.

April 2024
Zineb Fathi & Theodora Skeadas (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Online Gender-based violence

In this episode, join us for a great conversation with Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) alumna Theodora Skeadas, a public policy professional with a wealth of experience at the intersection of technology and society.

April 2024
Oumayma Bourhriba et Saloi El Yamani
Understanding the dynamics of manufacturing employment in Morocco

Over the past couple of decades, Morocco has witnessed a noticeable decline in the share of manufacturing in its overall value-added and employment.

April 2024
Abdelhak Bassou &Mohamed Brick
De l’Alliance à la Confédération des Etats du Sahel : évolution ou révolution ?

L'Alliance des États du Sahel (AES), créée en 2023 par le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso, vise à unir leurs forces pour contrer les menaces sécuritaires dans la région.

April 2024
Wiam Hammouchene & Winnie Mutai (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate Change Finance in Africa

Step into the world of climate action with "Echoes of the Earth," featuring ADEL alumna Winnie Mutai from Kenya in an insightful episode on Climate Change Finance.

March 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi and Aldo Liga
Le coût du non-Maghreb

L’intégration régionale maghrébine est devenue, dans un contexte international en proie à d’importantes reconfigurations, plus qu’une nécessité économique, un impératif de la transformation structurelle des économies maghrébine.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Silindile Mlilo (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Gender, Youth & Migration

In this episode of Bridging the Gender Gap with Silindile Mlilo, the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna shines a spotlight on Gender Youth and Migration.

March 2024
Sara Mokaddem and Sir John Sawers
Sir. John Sawers on Multilateralism and Cooperation in a Complex Global Landscape

In this podcast with Sir. John Sawers, executive chairman of New Bridge Advisory, and former head of the British foreign intelligence service (MI6), we discuss the intricate dynamics of co

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Miriam Privarova (ADEL)
Echoes of the Earth - Climate Catalysts: Empowering Tomorrow's Change

Join us for the first episode of the podcast series Echoes of the Earth: Navigating Environmental Challenges in the Atlantic Basin. Miriam Privarova, a 2023 ADEL alumna from Slovakia, shares her knowledge in a dynamic podcast discussion on empowering communities to combat climate change.

March 2024
Sabrine Emran and Samir Rachidi
Renewable Energy perspectives in Morocco: R&D, challenges, and the role of youth

In this podcast episode, Mr. Samir Rachidi, the acting general manager at IRESEN, discusses the institute's role in advancing renewable energy development in Morocco and its impact on the country's energy security.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Camila Crescimbeni (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Leading Change: Gender & Youth in Politics

Join us on our podcast as we delve into the intersection of gender, youth, and politics with ADEL Alumna Camila Crescimbeni from Argentina.

March 2024
Fatine Cherkaoui & Sydney Piggott (ADEL)
Bridging the Gender Gap - Intersectionality and Feminism

This podcast on Intersectionality and Feminism features Canadian advocate and 2022 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna Sydney Piggott. We explore the concept of intersectionality, its origins, evolution, and its pivotal role in understanding discrimination and privilege.

March 2024
Abdessalam Jaldi and Zineb Faidi
Women’s Conditions in Morocco

Despite the various progress recorded over the last decades, Morocco is still experiencing significant gender gaps. This is a cause of concern because countries with high gender inequality, grow more slowly.

March 2024
By Otaviano Canuto, Dominique Bocquet, Paul Isbell
Biden’s action: a political economy perspective

This podcast tackles the intricacies of Biden’s presidency from a political economy standpoint. Our guests initially discuss the degree to which it can be argued that US democracy has recently been under threat.