June 22, 2021

Rida Lyammouri
Senior Fellow
Rida Lyammouri is a senior fellow at the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). He is also a senior West Africa and Lake Chad Basin researcher and advisor, with expertise in regional conflicts, violent extremism, climate change, migration, and trafficking. He specialises in analysing climate-conflict interactions in the Lake Chad Basin, West Africa, and the Sahel, studying resource scarcity, adaptive strategies, and socio-economic impacts. His multidisciplinary approach combines climate science and conflict analysis, offering insights into the region's climate-security nexus.

Zineb Benalla
Experte internationale, Eirene Associates. Int.
Zineb Benalla est une experte internationale et consultante en CVE, PVE, CT et consolidation de la paix qui a passé de nombreuses années à travailler dans les points chauds de la VE au Maghreb, au Sahel et dans la région du lac Tchad. Elle a été consultante pour USAID /OTI et AECOM International Development à Bamako, Gao et Tombouctou dans le domaine de la consolidation de la paix, de la réconciliation et du CVE. Elle a travaillé avec la société civile, l'engagement communautaire et les décideurs politiques en menant des
recherches et en mettant en oeuvre des projets. Avant cela, Mme Benalla a travaillé avec le Centre arabe sur la programmation de la lutte contre la radicalisation et la promotion des valeurs de la société civile au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Elle a ég ...

Nayanka Paquete Perdigão
Associée de programme, Forum mondial de l'Internet pour la lutte contre le terrorisme (Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism - GIFCT)

Harmonie Toros
Associate Professor, University of Kent
Harmonie Toros’ research lies at the crossroad between conflict resolution/conflict transformation, peace studies, and terrorism studies.
She has published seminal work developing a critical theory-based approach to terrorism and examining the transformation of conflicts marked by terrorist violence (see her ThinkKent talk). She has carried out extensive field research in Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa researching state and non-state armed groups as well as investigating the human experience of war from combatant and non-combatant perspectives.
Her current research focuses on incorporating war experience into the study of conflict, examining some of the key methodological and epistemological challenges involved in translating war experience into knowl ...

Alexis L. Henshaw
Assistant Professor, Troy University
Dr. Alexis Henshaw is the author of Why Women Rebel: Understanding Women’s Participation in Armed Rebel Groups (Routledge, 2017) and co-author of Insurgent Women: Female Combatants in Civil Wars (Georgetown University Press, 2019). She is currently an assistant professor at Troy University.
Her research interests include gender issues in international politics, civil wars, conflict management, and Latin America. She has also published work on research methods and design, including pieces focused on pedagogy, data analysis & visualization, and inclusivity. Her work has appeared in Journal of Global Security Studies, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Small Wars & Insurgencies, and a variety of other peer-reviewed outlets.