

The Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Toward a System that Delivers for the South


3:00 pm April 2024
Add to Calendar 2024-04-19 15:00:00 2024-05-04 07:50:59 The Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Toward a System that Delivers for the South Description Location Policy Center Policy Center Africa/Casablanca public

The Policy Center for the New South and the Atlantic Council are jointly organizing an event to launch the Report: “The Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Toward a System that Delivers for the South”, authored by Otaviano Canuto & Hafez Ghanem, Senior fellows at the Policy Center for the New South, Youssef El Jai, Economist and Stephane LeBouder, nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council's Africa Center.

The event will take place on Friday, April 19 at 10:00 am – 11:00 am ET. The event will be also livestreamed.

The report "The Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Toward a System that Delivers for the South" discusses necessary reforms to the Bretton Woods institutions to better serve developing countries, particularly those in Africa. It calls for changes that enhance the representation and influence of these nations within these institutions, increase operational and financial capacities, and adapt to modern challenges such as climate change and global economic instability. The report highlights the urgency for more equitable global financial governance, suggesting adjustments in global financial systems to make them more inclusive and responsive to the needs of the Global South. It also explores ways for enhanced participation of the private sector in large scale investment for development and climate mitigation.




15h00 - 16h00

Keynote Speaker:

Nadia Fettah Alaoui, Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Morocco.


Otaviano Canuto, Senior Fellow,Policy Center for the New South 

Stephane LeBouder, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council's Africa Center