

24ème édition du Forum de Bamako Culture, Réconciliation, Paix & Développement


9:00 am May 2024


6:00 pm May 2024
Add to Calendar 2024-05-23 09:00:00 2024-05-25 18:00:00 24ème édition du Forum de Bamako Culture, Réconciliation, Paix & Développement Description Location Policy Center Policy Center Africa/Casablanca public

Le Policy Center for the New South sera représenté par les experts suivants lors de la 24ème édition du Forum de Bamako :

Abdelhak Bassou, Senior Fellow, contribuera au panel 2 intitulé « Cultures, conflits communautaires et extrémisme violent : le rôle des cultures dans les conflits dans le contexte de mondialisation ».

Mohammed Loulichki, Senior Fellow, interviendra lors du panel 6 intitulé “Diplomatie culturelle : des enjeux culturels de la mondialisation à une diplomatie culturelle africaine et un repositionnement géostratégique et géoéconomiques du Continent ».

Fahd Azaroual, Economiste, contribuera lors du panel 9 sur « Le financement des politiques culturelles ».

Abdelhak Bassou
Senior Fellow
Abdelhak Bassou is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center. He is also an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Bassou has had an extensive career in Moroccan National Security, where he served in various capacities including as head of the border division from 1978 to 1993. He was the former director of the Royal Institute of Police in 1998 and served as Head of Regional Security (Errachidia 1999-2003, Sidi Kacem 2003-2005) and as Central Director of General Intelligence from 2006 to 2009.   He holds a master's degree in political science and international studies from the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Social Sciences in Rabat. His academic research delves into inte ...
Mohammed Loulichki
Senior Fellow
Mohammed Loulichki is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. He brings over 40 years of comprehensive experience in diplomacy, conflict resolution, and human rights. He has served in various roles including as a member and Deputy Head of the Moroccan delegation to the 3rd Conference on the Law of the Sea (1982-1990), Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and Treaties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1988-1991), and General Director for Multilateral Affairs in the same ministry (2003-2006).   He also acted as Morocco's Ambassador to Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia (1995-1999), and was the Moroccan Government's Ambassador Coordinator with MINURSO (1999-2001). Furthermore, he served ...
Fahd Azaroual
Fahd Azaroual is an Economist at the Policy Center for the New South. His research areas cover macroeconomics. He is currently working on themes related to Economic growth and business cycles. Fahd holds a master’s degree in applied economics and is currently a PhD student at Mohammed V University in Rabat. he joined the Policy Center for the New South in October 2019. ...