
PCNS Experts
Slim Othmani
President, Cercle d’Action et de Réflexion autour de l’Entreprise

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Mr. Othmani is the Founder and President of the Think Tank Club d’Action et de Réflexion autour de l’Entreprise (CARE). He is also the Co-founder and Vice-President of APAB (Algerian drink producers association), Co-Founder and President of MEF (Maghreb Economic Forum) - Tunisia, Head of the Algerian Task Force that wrote the first Algerian Code of corporate governance, Co-founder of the Algerian institute of corporate governance Hawkama El-Djazaier, Vice-President and founder of Injaz Al-Arab Algeria a Junior achievement entrepreneurship program, Founding Member of the Algerian civil society initiative NABNI, Founding member of “Le Développement durable et culturel de Tamentit” to promote the history and culture of the Touat region (desert of Algeria).

Mr. Othmani holds a degree in computer engineering from the University of Mathematics and computer sciences in Tunis, an executive MBA from the Mediterranean school of business in Tunis.
