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Dr. Bakary Sambe was born in 1972 in Mbour. He is the regional director of the Timbuktu Institute - African Center for Peace Studies (Dakar, Niamey, Bamako). Founder of the Observatory of Radicalisms and Religious Conflicts in Africa, Sambe is a teacher-researcher at the Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Senegal). His current work focuses on endogenous strategies, cross-border dynamics, and the testing of agile approaches in crisis zones. As an expert for the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union, etc., he designed and led the advocacy for the implementation of the G5 Sahel Regional Cell for the Prevention and Counter-Radicalization (CELLRAD), accompanied the process of developing national strategies in Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and the Central African Republic, and produced the first manual of good practices on resilience. In addition to numerous articles, Sambe has published several books: "Islam and Diplomacy, Morocco's African Policy" (2010-11), "Boko Haram, from Nigerian Problem to Regional Threat" (2015), "Islamized Contestations. Senegal between diplomacy of influence and political Islam" (2018). For these academic works and various expertises at the international level, he was elected Member of the Council of the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law based in Malta.