Jean Monnet Network for Atlantic Studies 2.0 (6th edition) - Towards a new Atlantic Map: Prospects and Challenges for Cooperation

The Policy Center for the New South organizes the sixth edition of Jean Monnet Network for Atlantic Studies’ cycle of seminars focusing on how energy, commercial dynamics and human security challenges are affecting the Atlantic Basin as a whole; harnessing synergies across the four Atlantic continents; and providing policymakers with the basis for new governance approaches.
Atlantic relations have been shaped by a complex mix of factors, including shared history, cultural expressions, economic ties, and geopolitical interests. From a geopolitical and economic perspective, Atlantic relations have been both critical and challenging at times and have undergone significant shifts in recent years, namely with the rise of China and Russia as global powers challenging the United States' dominance. The future of this region largely depends on how north and south navigate these challenges and work together to address them and maintain global stability and prosperity.
In this framework, the Jean Monnet Network on Atlantic Studies seeks to foster debate and cooperation between scholars and researchers on topics of fundamental importance for actors in the Atlantic basin as a central arena of globalization and a microcosm of key global trends.
The Network’s multi-continent and multi-disciplinary approach promises substantial value beyond the state-of-the-art by generating modern understandings of the Atlantic Basin as a political, economic, energy and security space in contemporary international relations, in contrast to its treatment primarily as an object of historical study; incorporating North and South Atlantic perspectives equally on these dynamics; and contributing to comparative regionalism by incorporating regional integration processes into each theme.
The Network research projects focus on how energy, commercial dynamics and human security challenges are affecting the Atlantic Basin as a whole; harnessing synergies across the four Atlantic continents; and providing policymakers with the basis for new governance approaches.
After five network meetings generating and discussing knowledge about security, energy, and economic dynamics in the Atlantic since 2019, the sixth meeting of Jean Monnet Network (JMN) - scheduled on April 27-28, 2023, will revolve around the following themes:
- Setting the scene - The Wider Atlantic: Patterns and Perspectives
- Panel 1 - The Energy Map of the Atlantic: Trends and Future Scenarios
- Panel 2 - An Eclectic Outlook to Reshape the Economic Cooperation Models in the Wider Atlantic
- Panel 3 - Addressing inequality developments across the Atlantic
- Panel 4 - Towards a pan-Atlantic security approach: Perceptions, realities, and cooperation
- High-level panel: Major Powers Rivalry in the Wider Atlantic
For registration or more information about the seminar, please reach out to the organizing team at:
*All times indicated are UTC+1.
April 27, 2023
10h15-10h45 |
Welcoming coffee |
10h45-11h00 |
Opening remarks - Karim El Aynaoui, Executive President, PCNS |
11h00-11h50 |
Panel 1-The Energy Map of the Atlantic; Trends and the Future Scenarios Chair: - Rim Berahab, Senior Economist, PCNS Speakers: Comments: Paul Isbell, Affiliate Professor, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University |
11h50-12h30 |
Discussion |
12h30-14h00 |
Lunch break |
14h00-14h50 |
Panel 2-An Eclectic Outlook to Reshape the Economic Cooperation Models in the Wider Atlantic Chair: Oumayma Bourhriba, Economist, PCNS Speakers: - Leonardo Paz Neves, Researcher, FGV IIU Reshoring, friendly shoring, target-shoring: dreaming is free, but development is not - Badr Mandri, Economist, PCNS External Debt Management in Africa: Challenges and the Role of the International Community Comments: - Dan Hamilton, Senior Fellow-School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University (online) |
14h50-15h15 |
Discussion |
15h15-15h30 |
Coffee break |
15h30-16h20 |
Panel 3-Addressing Inequality Developments Across the Atlantic Chair: - Amal El Ouassif, International Relations Specialist, PCNS Speakers: - Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues, Associate Professor, IPRI-NOVA (recording) Migrants’ rights in a time of pandemics (12 min) - Leonardo Paz Neves, Researcher, FGV IIU Accessing food insecurity in today's World: what role could the Atlantic Basin play? (12 min) Comments: - Mounia Boucetta, Senior Fellow, PCNS |
16h20-17h00 |
Discussion |
April 28, 2023
09h00-09h50 |
Panel 4-Towards a Pan-Atlantic Security Approach: Perceptions, Realities, and Cooperation Chair: - Abdessalam Jaldi, International Relations Specialist, PCNS Speakers: - Elena Sánchez-Montijano & Gerardo Maldonado, Research Professors, CIDE Atlantic matter? Latin American public opinion regarding Atlantic space - Patricia Daehnhardt, Researcher, IPRI-NOVA (online) The new transatlantic security architecture in the context of the war in Ukraine: challenges for Euro Atlantic unity Comments: - Abdelhak Bassou, Senior Fellow, PCNS |
09h50-10h30 |
Discussion |
10h30-10h45 |
Coffee break |
10h45-11h00 |
Wrap-up & project closure - Leonardo Paz Neves, Researcher, FGV IIU - Imane Lahrich, Head of Research Valorization, PCNS |
11h00-12h00 |
Visit of the FGSES campus |
12h00-14h00 |
Lunch break |
14h00-15h00 |
Steering committee meeting |