Network Meeting n°3: Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0
North and South Atlantic: Interactions, Concerns and Challenges
The Policy Center for the New south has partnered as a core member with Jean Monnet Atlantic Network on Atlantic Studies for the period 2020-2022. In this framework a series of discussions around a number of research papers will tackle the following three themes:
Panel 1: Is there a new NATO in the making? What (re)definition of goals, cooperation, and threats lies ahead?
Through a security lens, the first panel will discuss some topics such as if there is a common threat agenda between the North and the South Atlantic? How is NATO able to foster cooperation between the two spaces? Is the new strategic concept of the Alliance considering the strong dynamics of the international security agenda?
Panel 2: The energy crisis and its impact on the economic recovery after the pandemic
After a year and a half of economic stagnation because of the COVID19 pandemic, the efforts made in the reactivation plans have encountered an added obstacle: the energy crisis. This panel will analyze what are the causes of the crisis. Could the price rise be foreseen? Could it have been prevented? Secondly, it will be analyzed how the energy crisis has impacted and what consequences the energy crisis will have in the different regions of the Atlantic. Finally, it will be discussed how this rise to the de-carbonization energy transition will affect.
Panel 3. Trans-border Economic Flows from an Atlantic Perspective
This panel will seek to answer to the following questions: i) Where are the key development promotion locus and what are the main regional experiences in the Atlantic basin? ii) How to address the fissures in global value chains trade through an Atlantic perspective? iii) How to make the post-Covid trade recovery in the Atlantic basin more sustainable?
December 14, 2021 |
15:45 - 16:00 |
Opening remarks Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Full Professor & Researcher, IPRI-NOVA Renato Flores, Director of International Intelligence Unit (IIU), Fundaçao Getulio Vargas (FGV) |
16h00 – 17h30 |
Panel 1. Is there a new NATO in the making? What (re)definition of goals, cooperation, and threats lies ahead? Chair: Nuno Severiano Teixeira, IPRI-NOVA Speakers: - Adriana Abdenur, Plataforma CIPO - Frank Mattheis, Université Libre de Bruxelles - Youssef Tobi & Souha El Majidi, Policy Center for the New South - Pere Vilanova, CIDOB Comments: Ana Santos Pinto, IPRI-NOVA |
December 15, 2021 |
14h30-16h15 |
Panel 2. The energy crisis and its impact on the economic recovery after the pandemic Keynote speaker: João Gomes Cravinho, Minister of National Defence (Portugal) Chair: Anna Ayuso, CIDOB Speakers: - Paul Isbell, IE School of Global and Public Affairs - Rim Berahab, Policy Center for the New South - Lorena Ruano, CIDE Comments: Ruderico Pimentel, FGV and Frank Mattheis, Université Libre de Bruxelles |
16h30-17h45 |
Panel 3. Transborder Economic Flows from an Atlantic Perspective Chair: Renato Flôres, International Intelligence Unit, FGV Speakers: - Victor do Prado, Council and Trade Negotiations Committee, WTO - Tatiana Rosito, New Development Bank (NDB) - German Ríos, Obs. on Latin American Politics and Economics, University Comment: Frank Mattheis, Université Libre de Bruxelles |