
Karim Chbani currently serves as an investment manager within the SNI investment fund in Morocco, where he is responsible for the structuring and execution of M&A transactions.
He has participated in a dozen major cross-border transactions and ECM operations in Morocco and Sub-Saharan Africa in the agribusiness, building materials and financial institutions sectors. He previously held the position of financial analyst with the Royal Bank of Scotland in London, where he was responsible for financing infrastructure investments on behalf of institutional clients. As former member of the Association of Moroccans in Grandes Ecoles (AMGE) in Paris, he co-founded the AMGE Alumni Association in Casablanca, of which he currently holds the chairman position. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris, he is an engineer of arts and manufactures. Karim also holds certificates in investments, issued by the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (U.K.).