
Fay Cowper is the founder and principal of Insaniya Global, based in Salé, Morocco. She specializes in gender-inclusive program design in the fields of digital development, entrepreneurship, and social innovation. Her previous professional experience includes Senior Technical Advisor for Digital Inclusion with CARE International, Managing Director for Douar Tech, leading youth and ICT programs with Peace Corps Morocco, and various roles with the U.S. Department of State. She has led the development of technology platforms valued at over $1 million, advised global programs on ethical AI strategies, and consulted on governance and leadership structures for local civil society and global organizations. Fay recently published the “2024 Gender Digital Divide Index” under the Women in Digital Economy Fund led by USAID and the Gates Foundation. She serves as a Board Member for Association SimSim-Participation Citoyenne and Douar Tech. Fay holds her B.A. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University.