

Advanced Training in Agricultural Economics & Environment - Food Security and Policy


9:00 am May 2017


5:00 pm June 2017

OCP Policy Center, Rabat.

Since independence Morocco has pursued food self-sufficiency to achieve food security at the national level. What has and has not worked in its approach and why? Should Morocco continue with its food self-sufficiency approach; if not, how should it change and what food security approach should it adopt? The course addresses these fundamental questions with a focus on the key issues that Morocco and comparator countries face, the solutions sought and the major questions – institutional and otherwise - that need to be addressed; and the types of policy approaches that have either been tried or proposed.

Objectives :

• Diagnose the main components promoting and / or undermining food security, at different levels and in different time horizons;
• Identify the main factors, both under and not under government control that can help or hurt, in specified situations and time horizons;
• Understand the arguments of different policy groups and think through what options, if any, exist to close the gaps, and still improve upon the current situation.

Isabelle Tsakok
Senior Fellow
Isabelle Tsakok, development practitioner, policy analyst, researcher, and teacher, is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South. She grew up in the Republic of Mauritius, a multi- lingual, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. She holds a PHD in Economics from Harvard University, and a BA in Phil/Econ from the London School of Economics. As World Bank staff and consultant, she has focused on agricultural and rural development including on issues of agricultural transformation, food security, and poverty reduction. She has worked in most regions of the developing world, including Africa –North and South of the Sahara; Asia - South, Southeast and East; and Latin America. She has taught courses on agricultural policies and institutions at the World Bank; the Scho ...