Publications /
Policy Brief

Latin America and Africa: Insights into the Evolving Story of 21st Century Migration
Peter D. Sutherland
May 1, 2014

In the 21st century, international migration is experiencing a remarkable evolution. In 2013, the number of migrants going from one developing country to another was roughly equal to those going from developing countries to the world’s advanced economies. Meanwhile, many European countries are experiencing significant emigration for the first time in more than a generation. As old dividing lines between countries of origin and countries of destination blur, states are realizing that they face a common set of challenges in reducing the human, social, and economic costs of migration.


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    L’océan Atlantique, dans sa partie sud, qui demeure un espace géopolitique inexploité, peut servir de nouvelle plateforme de dialogue entre le Nord et le Sud. Le Royaume du Maroc, stratégiquement placé dans cet espace, peut exploiter sa façade atlantique afin d’insuffler une nouvelle dynamique à sa relation avec l’Amérique latine pour le renforcement des échanges politiques et économiques dans le sud global. Les relations entre le Maroc et les pays de l’Amérique latine c ...
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  • Authors
    Peter D. Sutherland
    May 1, 2014
    In the 21st century, international migration is experiencing a remarkable evolution. In 2013, the number of migrants going from one developing country to another was roughly equal to those going from developing countries to the world’s advanced economies. Meanwhile, many European countries are experiencing significant emigration for the first time in more than a generation. As old dividing lines between countries of origin and countries of destination blur, states are realizing that ...