
PCNS Experts
Martha Crawford

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Martha J. Crawford joined the faculty of Harvard Business School in 2016, after an accomplished career as Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director, managing global R&D operations for multi-nationals in the energy and chemicals sectors. As CTO, Crawford led large, dispersed teams located in R&D centers on several continents, and thus experienced first-hand the complexities of change management and leadership in an international corporate setting. Crawford holds a PhD in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (Harvard SEAS) and an MBA (College des Ingenieurs, Paris).

Since 2013, Crawford has served as Independent Director for two French multi-national (mid-cap, Euronext-listed) companies. From 2007 to 2014, Crawford also served on the Boards of subsidiaries of companies for whom she was an executive. Through her Board mandates, Crawford has been a member/chair of Committees on Strategy, Compensation and Nominations, and Audit. Crawford was knighted to the French National Order of Merit, in 2012, in recognition of her work in helping the

French state to reform its universities and national labs. She continues to serve as Vice President of a high-level committee (IDEX) reporting directly to the Prime Minister’s office, which is advising the government on university reform. Crawford was a member of the Board to both the French National Energy Labs (CEA) and the French National Scientific Labs (CNRS), in the 2000s. In the 1990s, Crawford worked for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as Principal Administrator of the Environmental Performance and Information Division.
